Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [conj] of " in BNC.

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1 This rebellion had two main foci : the Viceroyalties of the Rio de la Plata and of New Granada , where resistance was to be symbolized by BolĂ­var , the greatest of the liberators of Latin America .
2 We should not want to go slower than 1/200th second because of camera movement and , for a bright day , f8 at 1/200th with ASA 200 rated film will give a result .
3 The potential deficit on the poll tax collection fund er because of these people not registering is well over million pounds and that by spending the hundred thousand proposed here , would actually bring it down to seven hundred and thirty five thousand pounds and that 's where the conjuring trick is er this er amendment because of course , if you work out the increase in the balances that you are proposing to take in this amendment , it works out exactly to seven hundred and thirty five thousand pounds , well it does on my calculations Mr Mayor .
4 Er , because w er males because of er variance of male reproductive success , another way of looking at it is to say look , males are expendable , you do n't actually need a lot of males to keep all your females fertilized so you can waste them , and in fact we do waste them , for example in wars .
5 Er then to er put er against the background as the District Council last last week were being told our budget will cost us er to er accidents and of course what this exercise would cost us , three hundred and fifty thousand is the amount very close that some of you just want to spend on the doing traffic calming over the next year year .
6 I think I would come down on voles really and they do actually dig a hole like that they go for erm small boulders and things like that in the garden or roots and they will send out clods as well cos they can uproot quite , quite a fair piece of er soil and of course they would eat berries as well , but again I 'm with Walter , I would like to see the end product .
7 I am sorry I d d , I agree with you on one one point that the Middle Eastern er , er government that of the super power from , from the reception , but what really happened in the Gulf War is a typical reflection of the injustice of how the war was being conducted .
8 Now all I 'm suggesting to him is that there is here apparently a requirement laid down by the treaty which ca n't be aggregated by any one individual member state which could actually only be enforced by reference to a court of justice and what I 'd like to ask is in the light of this very deep seated concern by the French about Strasbourg er and the European parliament building and the knowledge that this is of such importance to the er of er voting and of representation in the community of the European elections .
9 In 1325 escheators were made responsible for keeping duplicates of inquisitions of diem clausit and of returns to chancery ; in 1326 a calendar of Contrariant lands was begun , a roll of serjeanties in various counties compiled and further auditors were appointed .
10 thank you situation are appointed jointly by the County Council and the County and effectively these consultations and of that er appointment and the following the last Committee we agreed with the er detail and of the and we also agreed that we would not go ahead with the which until we have seen the result of the consultation and therefore there still outstanding as whether we wish to action the not .
11 At the end of both the Reeve 's Prologue and of his Tale , a measure-for-measure attitude to the governing of human affairs , and , most significantly , human relationships , is enunciated : and : with no sense anywhere of grace , mercy or forgiveness , the essentials for human salvation in the Christian view .
12 The combined effect of Perot cutting into Clinton 's support and of evidence that Bush 's standing in the polls was showing some signs of improvement rejuvenated the President 's campaign in the final days of the contest and forced the Democrats to concede that the election could be much closer than had earlier been thought likely .
13 Appearing as witnesses in court , some physicians have suggested that it is foolhardy to jeopardise a person 's livelihood because of a laboratory report when the worker appears to be performing his job normally .
14 The circumstances of Goldberg 's case and of the present case were distinguishable from those of The Palermo , and of Watson v Cammel Laird in the way indicated in Watson v Cammel Laird when explaining the decision in Chadwick v Bowman .
15 Such haste inevitably resulted in cursory recording being a characteristic of research at this time , which is particularly regrettable in Faussett 's case because of the scale of his activities in Kent .
16 To dismiss them out of hand is a sign either of defective knowledge or lack of imagination on the reader 's part or of the author 's incapacity to convince .
17 Criticism of subcommittee 's proposals and of UK attitude towards democratization
18 Rallies began in Dushanbe , the capital , organized by the " united bloc of democratic forces " ( the opposition parties now included in the government coalition ) , demanding Nabiyev 's resignation because of his poor control over the situation .
19 There can be little doubt , however , that a sense of God 's presence and of the supernatural in general were long-standing characteristics of Irish popular religion , along with magical and semi-magical local religious practices .
20 Maybe they simply see the ark as a visible guarantee of God 's presence and of victory , but that understanding of it is no better , for then they turn it into an idol , ascribe to it magical powers , and leave us asking why they did not take it into battle in the first place .
21 5.21 Sale of reversion etc To permit [ upon reasonable notice ] at any time during the Term prospective purchasers of or agents instructed in connection with the sale of the Landlord 's reversion or of any other interest superior to the Term to view the Premises without interruption provided they are authorised in writing by the Landlord or its agents This is a normal provision and the only comment to make is that it could be disruptive to a tenant 's business , although one would hope that the frequency of a sale of the reversion would be limited .
22 Yet , if Durham had special strategic and political features which made Fordham unacceptable there in the eyes of the Crown 's opponents and of key northern lords , Ely was notoriously the rich neo-sinecure of English bishoprics , and for Fordham a homecoming .
23 Mr Lyon believes he will be able to discover Thomson 's plans because of an agreement giving his union the right to discuss any relevant employment or investment matter with senior managers .
24 It was his eighth goal in 10 games of a season in which he has been badly affected by injury and left out of Taylor 's plans because of a question mark over his match-fitness .
25 A live match on Mondays was part of the Premier League 's plans because of the success in the United States of the televised NFL American football game .
26 At about the same time several young Ragusan aristocrats were writing love poems in Croatian , in the manner of Petrarch 's Canzoniero and of the troubadours who followed the Tuscan tradition .
27 Adenauer went along with de Gaulle 's views because of the renewed pressure upon Berlin by the Soviet Union during the same month and his fears of a wavering United States commitment : strong French backing would be highly welcome .
28 Tearing each other 's hair but of course the forewoman would come on the scene and she would settle it .
29 Yet so striking was the colour of the child 's hair and of that which showed beneath the flat straw hat of the woman as to appear like distorted jogging lights in the dimness .
30 In their defence the party leadership could argue that they had been hampered by the lack of a parliamentary majority ; the choice had been hanging on by the skin of one 's teeth or of giving up and holding an election in the face of adverse opinion polls .
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