Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [pron] he " in BNC.

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1 Er Madam Speaker , I I agree with er the honourable gentleman that it 's extremely important that the various agencies do play a part in working together to ensure effective action with minimum bureaucracy and I know that the honourable gentleman has been anxious to ensure that that happens in his own constituency and his own area where he is dealing with the problems of high unemployment er and the fall out from the closures of pits in his area and if the honourable gentleman has any specific er er measures which he would like us to look at then I 'd be very happy to consider those .
2 The second er reason which he gave me , of course I should have thought for myself , he said , but the accountants more accurately represented the human form than did the rats , so that was a clear one to him , but it was the third one that really floored me , when he told me that their staff had been getting really attached to the rats .
3 Philosophy has effectively challenged what the theologian often persists in seeing as the ‘ proofs ’ of God 's existence which he or she must hang on to in order to have an absolutely secure and certain faith .
4 Finally , he is drawn to the essence of Muir 's genius which he sees as that of ‘ the sensibility of the remote islander ’ , and the words that follow give one final transformation of the savage and city motif , when he describes Muir as ‘ the boy from a simple primitive offshore community who then was plunged into the sordid horror of industrialism in Glasgow , who struggled to understand the modern world of the metropolis in London …
5 What persuaded him were two bits of Temple 's mind which he could not mistake .
6 That burgh was controlled by Provost John Cunningham , whose son was an officer of the Dutch army , and the provost made his wishes quite clear to one of the candidates who solicited the town 's vote whom he believed might have friends in the Netherlands .
7 However hopeless things were he was rejoicing because of Benedicta 's words which he hugged to himself as if they were precious jewels .
8 I was soon to take up my first teaching post in a Secondary School and he had called to ask if I were able to make use of a potter 's wheel which he could provide for the new Art room .
9 One of Ariel 's songs which he appended went like this , and sometimes Serafine sang it , and Xanthe and Miranda both enjoyed singing it with her , calling it the song of Manjiku :
10 Asked in Tuesday 's programme what he does to relax after a match , Mungall replied : ‘ These days I go to the Sponsors Lounge to collect the Man of the Match champagne ! ’
11 To add to the effect , there 's a scribbled line of stitches visible through his cropped hair — a result of headbutting the windscreen of his girlfriend 's car which he trashed driving into the back of a Lada .
12 Perot Systems Corp chief Morton Meyerson , one of the candidates for John Akers ' job , has been telling IBM Corp 's directors what he reckons should be done to rescue the company — and it ai n't pretty : according to the Wall Street Journal , he is outlining something very like what we suggested , hiring top people in the appropriate industry segment — Andrew Groves , Michael Dell , Alan Shugart , Scott McNealy , people of that ilk , to run each of the new business units , and if they wo n't come on board , he says , IBM should sell them respectively the chip , personal computer , disk drive and workstation lines of business .
13 It was in fact the back axle of a lady 's tricycle which he had seen laying discarded on the top of someone 's dustbin .
14 While Dick Piper was hard pushed to find the five shillings he had borrowed from Harry Pierpoint , the father of the princess who was to become Queen Mary was jibbing at paying tradesmen 's bills which he had allowed to grow to around £20,000 .
15 As a matter of common law , if the purchaser receives information relating to the vendor 's business which he knows or ought to know is confidential , the purchaser is under a duty to maintain the confidence and not to use the information .
16 This is another of Nic Picot 's tricks which he tried on me in the pub outside the Magic Circle .
17 Then , course then they used to hav when the man stood in green , I knew a fella named which we was talking about a little while ago and he had a pair of lady 's stockings which he used to put over his shoes to stop the grain going in and some of these people in the and , they used to have erm , like er string soles with like calico boots and they used to tie them on tight .
18 But we know something else about the bishop 's motive which he could not or would not say to Ramsey .
19 It matters just as much to a person 's education what he learns and is taught as it matters to his salvation what he believes .
20 By the time of the World Council at Amsterdam the question began to come into Ramsey 's head what he ought to do next .
21 ‘ About 2 o'clock , when within about 4 miles of Green Island , for which we were tacking , Mr. Gould went off in a boat with the hope of reaching it before us , and of finding some penguin 's eggs which he is much in want off [ sic ] .
22 Teams of officers were sent to four pubs the Hour Glass , the Owton Lodge , The Smiths Arms at Greatham and the Traveller 's Rest which he is known to have visited just hours before the shooting .
23 A pewter pot and clean cups and saucers were on the table , and there was a rag mat in front of Paddy 's chair which he 'd said he had carried on his back from Hungerford Market .
24 Not that Caribbean parents are totally without sporting involvements : there are rare exceptions in the form of Ray Tabi 's father whom he disowned but still acknowledged as his ‘ first lead into boxing ’ ; and the father of heavyweight Howard Henlan had also been a boxer and was instrumental in stimulating his son 's interest .
25 He describes a skylark 's nest which he found tucked away in a hoof print : ‘ Behind a clod/ how snug the nest/ is in a horse 's footing fixed/ of twitch and stubbles roughly dressed/ with roots and horsehair intermixed . ’
26 There are areas and times of Burton 's life which he does n't think much of and he says so .
27 ‘ Is it possible that there was some secret in your uncle 's life which he confided to Francis and which Francis tried to use to his advantage ? ’
28 He slipped a hand beneath Corbett 's cloak and deftly drew out the clerk 's knife which he stuck into his own sturdy leather-studded belt , and almost dragged the horse across the market-place .
29 This is a horror movie a fucking horror movie this lunatic is making his own horror film and you ca n't even tell yourself Hell it 's only a story are n't the special effects good it is n't real because that 's exactly what it is and the gorilla man is explaining in that hideous high-pitched baby 's voice what he has in this bottle and in this syringe and I throw up halfway through but they pause the video for me .
30 Mike blushed , thinking of all those stories in his Mum 's magazines which he read secretly sometimes , as though they were dangerous and shameful drugs .
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