Example sentences of "[modal v] never be quite " in BNC.

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1 In the morning , you 'd never be quite sure if you had n't dreamed of his presence in your bedroom , laughing , holding out his dripping gifts .
2 They were actors in a world of secret agents , codenames and mysterious papers : a place where ordinary values and rules were possibly suspended , although they could never be quite sure of that .
3 Even though their losses forced them to merge before the end of the year , the assumptions on which TV had been organized could never be quite the same again .
4 She was sure — or almost sure — that they had never actually killed anyone , but you could never be quite sure in this world .
5 Whatever directions artists were to take after the war , it was already clear that painting could never be quite the same again .
6 Yet in their presence God was made and eaten all day long , and for that reason those people could never be quite like other people , and that was Catholicism .
7 As was explained in Chapter 1 , we could never be quite sure that we had indeed found the correct theory , since theories ca n't be proved .
8 Joan was aware that her life would never be quite the same again .
9 After it , movies would never be quite the same again .
10 His own heart would never be quite the same now that he 'd seen her .
11 He did n't really understand what had happened or why , but he sensed things would never be quite the same again .
12 And then after a long pause , he sighed , ‘ But it will never be quite the same . ’
13 ASKING directions will never be quite the same .
14 Salisbury will never be quite free of Mrs Proudie .
15 ‘ He thinks I 'm his mother ’ she said blissfully , as Patrick gazed up at her from her lap — dolls will never be quite the same again .
16 Whatever happens it seems the town will never be quite the same again . "
17 It is no exaggeration to say your life will never be quite the same again . ’
18 The team batting first can never be quite sure when to go for the final , all out slog .
19 Now cross-examinations can not be prepared , because you can never be quite sure what the other side 's witnesses are going to say until they are actually in the box .
20 You can never be quite sure actually !
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