Example sentences of "[modal v] well [be] that " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , one further reason why policemen dislike dealing with rape might well be that they feel uneasy about having to ask the very personal questions which are necessary in order for the victim to be taken seriously , and on the occasion quoted above the sergeant went on to say that as a result of asking for these very personal details policemen ‘ have had a very bad rap over dealing with rape cases ’ ( FN 16/3/87 , p. 14 ) .
2 But it might well be that an associatively activated X is simply not salient enough to produce effects of a measurable size .
3 It might well be that the researcher decided to start inside the home with individual activities , and lead on to collective ones .
4 No , the they 'll be a pupil input , it might well be that as a department there 's a decision that the pupil would not write
5 Held , allowing the appeal , the problem was considered in Mann ( 1972 ) 56 Cr.App.R. 750 where Lord Widgery C.J. had said that if an accused remained silent in response to every question it might well be that the evidence of the onesided dialogue should not be admitted .
6 The immediate answer might well be that one is making a financial profit and the other a loss .
7 Thus though it might well be that the very short-term phases of memory are dependent on the continued electrical activity of the brain — and there will be more to be said about this in due course — in the longer term any persistent record or trace must demand some more permanent incarnation .
8 For these reasons , it might well be that the courts will be reluctant to interfere with the judgment of the policeman on the spot , especially if he is an experienced officer .
9 It might well be that upon their selection the Roman Catholics were appraised of the atmosphere in England and advised not to be too obvious in their worship , galling though that would have been to those proud and independent men .
10 It might well be that some of them had work as servants , or in agriculture — but there would be strong competition for the latter , for quite apart from the regular farm labourers there were a considerable number of workmen not as fully employed at the mine as perhaps they would have wished .
11 In certain cases it might well be that the defendant 's ignorance will not help him .
12 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
13 it might well be that one of the one of the forms could go down there to have a morning as part of this project to do
14 yep it 's just that some of the cottages tend to be a bit smaller so that it might well be that we can get you something where there 's a perhaps ground floor extension or whatever okay .
15 So it might well be that we do n't get the S I S people that we previously thought we might do .
16 Take us and Europe now , is n't it odd that , after two world wars , in which our men who died , our nations sacrificed themselves in fighting what was thought to be the great German danger , we now find ourselves at least as much hostile to our allies in both of those wars — the French — as we do to the Germans , and if one could measure this sort of thing it might well be that in the British public at large you would find more sympathy towards the Germans than the French .
17 It could well be that an Australian will win for the first time .
18 A B&Q spokesman said last night : ‘ Because our store was the closest to the viaduct it took the full force of the blast and it could well be that we are talking of a complete demolition .
19 This might put pressures on the sons and it could well be that not all would feel able or willing to take on the task .
20 It could well be that there are many more signals operating between cells than is currently suspected .
21 It 's important to remember the classification tells you about the minimum facilities available : it could well be that a Listed establishment , for example , will also provide some of the services and facilities found at a higher Crown level .
22 It could well be that it was the very fact of the fading of life enjoyment which is experienced with the responsibilities of adulthood and parenthood — and this could have affected the very primitive man just as much as it does modern man — which precipitated the very first of man 's attempts to take control of his future and the progress of evolution , by becoming ‘ civilised ’ .
23 If indeed this was how he happened upon verre anglais , it could well be that it was in England , not Spain , that Dom Pérignon rediscovered the cork .
24 It could well be that someone has tried to make this look like murder followed by suicide . ’
25 Most of these detailed demographic studies have been made with pasture or woodland systems in northern temperate regions and it could well be that in arid zones , and some other extreme environments , biotic pressures are less dominant and then climatic factors may play the major role in killing plants and in natural selection .
26 If IQ were entirely inherited ( a contentious assumption ) and if IQ were related to crime ( many studies have found that low IQ is ) , this would be perfectly compatible with an environmental explanation : it could well be that people with low IQ are treated unfavourably by others and this unfavourable treatment makes them more likely to commit crime .
27 It could well be that I have prejudices about what makes a decent DTP system , but I tried to outline and then to justify them as part of the review .
28 It could well be that Matadial was thoroughly discredited , even as the case ran , but with advance information her demolition could have been more clinically achieved , with perhaps a greater effect on the jury and with a better chance of involving Zaidie in the destruction of the Crown case on motive and malice .
29 It could well be that some of the summit surfaces of the Hercynian blocks are Eogene pediplains , while the weathering responsible for the formation of tors may have been tropical weathering of the same date .
30 In any case , it could well be that some students have no interest at all in certain idioms and prefer to by-pass them quickly in their search for what expresses their own aesthetic more closely .
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