Example sentences of "[modal v] not do so " in BNC.

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1 Women compositors did not want equal pay , she wrote , for no girl of sense puts herself on the level of a comp all round but if the division of labour assigns her a task she can perform , what reason is there she should not do so ?
2 The fact that the defendant was intoxicated , and his awareness was impaired for this reason will not avail , since the Act expressly provides that it should not do so .
3 It was even acceptable to chant or recite a verse or two in public if the young mirza had ‘ beauty and a good voice ’ ; but he should not do so too often or at length for fear — heaven forbid — that he be mistaken for a professional poet or singer .
4 Does the Prime Minister agree that although there is scope for compromise on many matters at Maastricht , the one issue on which it is impossible to compromise is the difference between those who believe that Britain could and should join in a single currency and those who believe that we should not do so at any price and that we should never even have joined the exchange rate mechanism ?
5 It acknowledged that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of , for example , the tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other states .
6 It is tempting to put this all down to a simple lexical ambiguity , but we should not do so before remarking that while question ( 44 ) can correspond to either version , ( 45 ) can only match the " unacquainted " version .
7 It shall be the duty of every professor to act as an examiner or assessor as and when requested to do so by a nominating committee or other competent body unless he can show reasonable cause to the satisfaction of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors why on a particular occasion he should not do so .
8 It shall be the duty of every professor to act as the supervisor of graduate students as and when requested to do so by a faculty board or other competent body , unless he can show reasonable cause , to the satisfaction of that board or other body , why on a particular occasion he should not do so .
9 It said that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other countries .
10 The court can proceed in the absence of any respondent but should not do so unless satisfied that the respondent has received reasonable notice of the hearing or that the circumstances justify proceeding in his absence ( FPCR , r16(3) and ( 4 ) ; FPR , r4.16(3) and ( 4 ) ) .
11 Er , if they do n't , the commencement will not take place and we will continue on the existing boundaries , that would , and I 'll give way to my honourable friend in a moment , that of course would create massive inconvenience , I see no er real reason why the other states er which have yet to ratify should not do so er but my honourable friend I think wanted to intervene with a further thought on this point so I give way to her .
12 In a dramatic personal speech , Mr Lamont disclosed that on Black Wednesday the Prime Minister wrote to him saying he was not resigning ‘ and I should not do so either ’ .
13 It is important to note that these authorities remain free to demand more stringent standards of the companies for which they are responsible , but may not do so in respect of those firms trading in the member state but authorised in another member state .
14 Exceptionally he may not do so .
15 About the same time the lawyers ' organisation , JUSTICE , published a report that sentence bargaining was abhorrent per se , because many persons might come under pressure to plead guilty when they ought not to do so .
16 But when I looked over those I had kept , I decided I could not do so .
17 President Christos Sartzetakis asked Mr Grivas to form a government after the main political parties would or could not do so .
18 But the chairman , Ewan Murray , said that he could not do so without permission from the AAA .
19 To her mistress it was understandable that she should never speak absolutely freely but it was intolerable that she could not do so to the last remaining member of her family , nor even to her husband .
20 That said , we have seen so many people in recent months who wanted to move but could not do so until they knew what was going to happen to their take-home income . ’
21 All I had was a testimonial from Harold Fletcher of G.C.H.Q. , which was no testimonial in that it gave a potential employer absolutely no enlightenment because it could not do so :
22 However , they could not do so unless their account was settled in full .
23 It refused as it knew that it could not do so and survive at home .
24 Mark , aware of the problem , records that the reaction of the chief priests and Scribes was to look for some way to get rid of Jesus , but that they could not do so at that moment because Jesus was popular with the people .
25 Even if they had been willing to rely on relatives , they could not do so ( Anderson , 1977 ) .
26 Such men depended upon success for support : for while du Guesclin might play upon his Breton origin to gather a force ( or route ) around him , the English could not do so with the same ease , and therefore came to rely upon their reputations to draw men to their service .
27 Even in the Petitioners case , where less emphasis is placed upon status , the Court does not resort to treaty arguments and indeed could not do so , for there was no treaty right of petition .
28 However , whilst both the HPV16 sequence and the HSV octamer could readily compete for binding of this protein , the HPV6 sequence could not do so confirming that it does not bind the cervical protein with high affinity ( Figure 4 ) .
29 I could not do so honourably .
30 Beatrice Webb signed the Appeal , although as she recorded in her diary for 1889 , she was impressed by a reply she received from a woman who complained that her lodger could vote but she could not , and that while she could vote for her parish council and her local Poor Law Guardians , she could not do so for an MP .
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