Example sentences of "[modal v] be say [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Events were to justify such a view of things , and God was duly thanked , by the royal order that masses should be said to commemorate the defeat of the English at Formigny in April 1450 , for the way he had turned his gaze towards the French cause which , for so long , had appeared to be lacking his support .
2 ‘ Undoubtedly if the justices had proceeded to adjudicate on the case either by convicting or by acquitting the defendant , that would have afforded ground for a good plea to the indictment , but I can not see why the fact that the justices at first said they would deal summarily with the case and afterwards changed their minds should be said to have deprived quarter sessions of jurisdiction .
3 However , these various measures are perfectly consistent in the sense that they encroach decisively on areas on which local authorities exercise responsibility and , since the Secretary of State will have a key role in connection with financial delegation and ‘ opting out ’ , the measures must be said to reinforce the centralism which is reflected most obviously in the measures to the national curriculum .
4 ‘ Here the contract of salvage was entered into in the Paracels and all the work of refloating and putting the vessel into a condition to be towed to Hong Kong and nearly all the tow , except for the last three miles , were completed beyond the territorial limits of Hong Kong and consequently I take the view that the profits must be said to arise outside of Hong Kong rather than inside .
5 In the sphere of aesthetics , Lessing , Herder , and , a generation later , Friedrich Schlegel not only base their diverse theories on material or formulations put into currency by Winckelmann , but might be said to owe to him , as Schlegel put it , " the very idea of a history of art " , conceived as the development of a series of individual works towards a perfect beauty .
6 In this case a ‘ community ’ might be said to exist when , say , everyone knows everyone else .
7 Now the fantasy involved in inhabiting the bodies of animals , previously alluded to , and skilfully exploited by writers like Kafka , certainly extends to a curiosity over what animals might be said to see , hear , smell , or otherwise sense .
8 Thus , rules restricting disclosure made under s 48(2) ( g ) and ( h ) might be said to authorise rules which operate only in a regulatory context .
9 It is of interest to compare the positions of Brumfit and Krashen in this collection , positions which might be said to typify to some degree the attitudes to applied linguistics and language teaching on each side of the Atlantic .
10 The Church was built in 1863 by William Hall and might be said to represent the ultimate in Victorian Non-Conformist ‘ Chapel ’ building .
11 If Laurel Katz at twenty-three represents youth among the installationists then Vito Acconci might be said to represent if not old age then at least significant maturity .
12 In a sense , meanings qua species of thought or thought-modalities might be said to represent the principles of " unity " of certain historical mental acts .
13 But the term could be extended , so that kangaroos might be said to represent deer in Australia because they live in something like the same way .
14 The significance of the concept of the linguistic variable is that it allows quantitative statements to be made about language use , so that Speaker A might be said to use more or less of a particular variant than speaker B , rather than categorically to use it or not to use it .
15 Just as the dead might be said to take readily to flight , so the living found their spirits lifted .
16 He admits also that Buddhism displayed a tendency to participation as it spread out from India into other countries , though he fails to recognize the examples of participation which might be said to derive from the communal life of the sangha and so insists that it is the principle of identity that predominates .
17 In fact er Professor Lock in his hin in his own evidence er page five para four three refers to a rash of speculation alo along the A one M in the county , as to which locations the policy might be said to apply .
18 Spiegelman might be said to bring out this infantile helplessness ( ’ Mostly I felt like crying ’ ) in all his readers alongside their most sophisticated imaginative and emotional responses .
19 This is not to imply that they are exceeding their disciplinary mandate in examining topics which might be said to belong to some other discipline ; simply that their interests in doing so are different .
20 English law might be said to recognize a right to self-determination , inasmuch as suicide is no longer a crime , but that right does not yield a clear answer to the present difficulty .
21 Consider Czech art , which might be said to have existed only since the beginning of the Czechoslovak state after the first World War .
22 In the process Fanon might be said to have overestimated the extent to which , from subordination , it is possible to construct ‘ a politically conscious , unified , revolutionary Self , standing in unmitigated opposition to the oppressor ’ ( Problems , 30 ) .
23 If you can make her laugh while you 're coming in her mouth , then you might be said to have arrived .
24 Nowadays , with the boundary between mass and energy abolished , the advantage might be said to have passed to ch'i ; yet it would be absurd to suggest that the Chinese have been proved right , since the advantages and disadvantages depend on which problems happen to be current .
25 Yet in one sense even the United States might be said to have been part of an economic system controlled by Europe down to 1914 in that she remained a capital-importing nation , and that capital came from Europe .
26 That movement might be said to have become irreversible with the advent after 1850 of the ‘ new model ’ unions .
27 As the Group 's terms of reference , scope , functions and core membership were closely based on the CGLI 's proposals , then clearly the Institute might be said to have won the day .
28 It might be said to have gone further than Scandinavian legislation in distinguishing the position of the wife from that of her unmarried counterpart , since it would arguably have denied her equal access to the law .
29 That equitable doctrine , however , could hardly apply in the present case because the variation here might be said to have been made without consideration .
30 Structuralist theory builds on connotation instead of trying to sweep the question under the carpet ( as the New Critics might be said to have done ) .
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