Example sentences of "[modal v] only take [art] " in BNC.

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1 Depending on the complexity of your operations this may only take a couple of man weeks and could be repeated at regular intervals to monitor progress .
2 If a teenager has been feeling acutely depressed for some time , then it may only take a trigger such as exams , to tip her over the edge ( suicide is the third most common cause of death among the under 25s , and the peak months are April to July ) .
3 Should only take a few days .
4 I 'm just waiting for my international clearance now , which should only take a few days , and then I 'll be aiming to challenge for a first team place . ’
5 I think it should only take a few minutes to have you begging me to make love to you … ’
6 It 'll only take a couple of minutes — what I 've got to say . ’
7 But it 'll only take a couple of days . ’
8 I promise you it 'll only take a minute . ’
9 ‘ Yes , but we could only take a certain amount of weight . ’
10 It 'd only take a minute to get back and then all this would be over .
11 ‘ It would only take a change of attitude amongst men to improve the situation out of all recognition .
12 It had been assumed that , because the journey would only take a few hours , it was better to be in the open air than in the dark and unventilated cargo holds .
13 It would only take a marginally improved thrust to give the aircraft a vastly improved ground-to-air time , a higher ceiling and a greatly boosted top airspeed . ’
14 So his results were preliminary but it would only take a few weeks ' work , using the neutron spectrometer , to know for sure .
15 It would only take a computer error or a mutiny by some of those manning the weapons to trigger a global war .
16 It would only take a certain kind of eyelashes or a whiff of one particular aftershave and I would be sick with love .
17 I thought it would only take a couple of days to clear up , but it was to take quite a lot longer .
18 In this case the motherboard replacement is n't as clear cut a winner and it would only take a slight change , such as not being able to use the RAM , to make it look even worse .
19 This can be annoying sometimes because jobs that would only take a little while can often take a lot longer .
20 Then , out of breath , he 'd realised it would only take a quick word with the girl at the desk to find out .
21 It would only take a few minutes . ’
22 It would only take a couple of houses to be knocked down and they could make it into a dual carriage way .
23 It would only take the appear the appearance of a mutant , who chose to put its own reproductive success first , for the whole system to break down .
24 It is perishing in the tent , but I ca n't be bothered to dress — it will only take a moment , I tell myself .
25 It will only take a moment of your time and will help the Institute to serve the entire membership better .
26 The 80386-80486 translator is the latest to be finished after the original Transputer implementations and Hinsley says that now they have first couple under their belts , it will only take a month or two to write each additional processor implementation .
27 The 80386–80486 translator is the latest to be finished after the original Transputer implementations and Hinsley says that now they have first couple under their belts , it will only take a month or two to write each additional processor implementation .
28 It will only take a few hours of your time .
29 It will only take a few minutes , certainly .
30 In effect I reckon it will only take a slight upward change of gear and performances to become something special .
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