Example sentences of "[modal v] work [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Instead they should work via logical objects , and indeed this is particularly encouraged by the SGML standard .
2 In support of publications , the Photographic Department should work to seasonal schedules drawn up by the Curator , the specialist Garden Curators , the Chief Photographer , and the Head of Public Services .
3 It is inherent in modern management practice that staff should work to defined standards .
4 Now , let me say there 's one component of what Brian and Gerry have been saying , which I most passionately agree with as it happens — get that bit off my chest first — and that is that until we have a clear understanding of the mechanisms and processes of development , the processes whereby an egg turns into an adult , our theory of evolution will , indeed , be very imperfect , and we do not have such a theory , erm it 's exceedingly important that we should work on such a theory , and such a theory it is n't sufficient simply to say ‘ Oh well , there 's a genetic programme for development ’ and imagine that in other ways actually said something , because you actually have n't .
5 This month 's disk holds an impressive collection of DOS programs that should work on all PCs .
6 It was inevitable that the actor that seemed to epitomise the new Hollywood of the late sixties should work with one of the most fashionable filmmakers attuned to young audiences .
7 He should work with lightweight tools : his spade , for example , should have a small blade .
8 He is insistent that the only students who should work at doctoral level are those of first-class ability , who are independent of mind and inner-directed , so that they can work without much supervision , apart from ‘ a standing relation with a congenial senior to whom he can go now and then for criticism and advice . ’
9 As the ancestor spirits are such realistic replicas of living elders it is perhaps not surprising that they should work in such close and harmonious collaboration .
10 ‘ Ah well , it was not meant that I should work in such a parish , ’ said Randolph .
11 the mechanism must work for all logically possible individual preference orderings ;
12 The banking system and the economic reforms must work in those countries before anything else can happen .
13 They recognise that teachers from different subject areas must work alongside each other if the work is to have the necessary sharpness .
14 It might work on Old Red , I decided , summing him up .
15 ‘ Gentlemen 's agreements ’ and understandings between local officials and central government might work with Conservative councils but not with most Labour ones .
16 It might work at international level but at club level you need a hardworking manager with a good business head .
17 One of the problems for local government is that it is easier to see how this might work at national level where the interests are clearer and more easily identifiable .
18 As I have already hinted , there had always been a biochemical puzzle about how proteins or RNA might work in these transfer experiments , because all such large molecules are rapidly degraded in the gut and broken down into their component amino or nucleic acids before being taken into the general metabolism of the recipient .
19 We 'll work on that one .
20 It 'll work on any phone , not just your own .
21 Means you 'll work with all kinds of academics from overseas — scientists , graduate scholars , professors .
22 ‘ You 'll work with two of my men .
23 It 's a Group 3 fax machine , supporting the Class 2 interface protocol , so it 'll work with any decent fax software .
24 That 'll work for that 'll work every time .
25 You 'll work in that place and what , are yous are .
26 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
27 Such is the cycle of any one burrow ; but , the Baerends discovered , a female may work on two or three burrows at a time .
28 We are all different ; what may work for one individual will not necessarily work as well for another .
29 That we may work together according to your will so that you may work for good in us .
30 Secondly , while some theories may work for concrete subjects , they may not be as applicable to abstract concepts , such as ’ justice ’ , ’ insurance ’ or ’ business ’ .
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