Example sentences of "[modal v] make [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Weaver birds reared in an incubator still manage to weave when they become adult , so clearly the basic skill is inherited , but it nonetheless requires practice to bring it to perfection and at first young male weavers may make comically ham-fisted versions — nests that are insecurely tied and fall off , others that are unevenly woven with some strips pulled tight and others left slack so that the result is misshapen .
2 Businesses , such as property investment companies , which may make wholly exempt supplies , can not reclaim any input VAT .
3 In fact I suspect on June the ninth even the wipe out of the Conservative party in the European elections may make even those members that side think that in order to say their own skins in the future they will actually have to start to think about a fairer electoral system and indeed there will be a unified system on the way forced by Europe on this house if we do not take it upon ourselves to do so and it will be our own fault that we 've shirked our responsibilities in my view to actually take it on board .
4 McHale hinted that he may make as many as four changes for the trip , but was not revealing anything last night .
5 Of this the donor receives less than $1,000 and may make as little as $250 .
6 But if I may make so bold — will you be careful of my master ?
7 " Well , " she said , looking at them in turn again , lifting her face to gaze directly at Graham , " if I may make so bold , chaps , how about a drink ?
8 I think Chris Patten is right to stand up to the Chinese , even though it may make very little difference in the end .
9 In the spaciousness of a large chamber they may make only four or five a second , but as they approach the rock walls and need to know exactly where they are in order not to crash into them , they increase the speed of the clicks until they are emitting as many as twenty a second and the sound becomes , to our ears , an almost continuous rattle .
10 Others may make more conventional protests but the pain looks like continuing for some time .
11 Short term advantage gained at the price of keeping alive prejudices and preconceptions may make more difficult , or even preclude , later changes in the direction of policy .
12 USER FRIENDLY should make today another classic payday for local hero George Duffield so long as she gets the green light to tackle the Coalite St Leger at Doncaster .
13 Strange that something as solemn as death should make so little impression on her , while this trivial memory should pierce her through and through .
14 The haulier should make quite sure which scale applies in his particular case and not assume it will necessarily be the same as before .
15 You should make quite clear what signals you 'll use to indicate that you want them to stop what they 're doing .
16 The findings should make more specific our understanding of the degree to which current Japanese management practice has lessons for Western organisations .
17 The basic constituents of food : water , proteins , carbohydrates , fats , minerals and vitamins , all play an important part in the ‘ upkeep ’ of the body and we should make very sure that our elderly relatives are not missing out on any of them in their diet .
18 But I do n't think we should make too much of it at this stage .
19 If , rather than face unemployment , you would at least be prepared to consider staying on with a reduced salary or a lower level of seniority , you should make that clear .
20 I think I should make that clear . ’
21 This er committee is fighting for inside the National Health Service , and I think we should make that clear .
22 Drawing on a huge spectrum of influences , every D*Note tune is doing something fresh , with a filmic quality that must make even Massive Attack blush .
23 Often it will be worded so as to constitute a contract of indemnity under which the dealer must make good any loss suffered by the finance company in the event of the customer defaulting on his payments or terminating his agreement .
24 We must make very sure we know what we 're doing it for .
25 I 'm through to the final , and now I must make absolutely certain I 'm in the right frame of mind .
26 SECOND SCHEDULE Rights granted The tenant must make absolutely certain that there are full and sufficient rights available to it so that the premises can be enjoyed for the whole of the term for any purpose currently permitted by the lease or to which the premises may be put with the landlord 's consent .
27 I must make quite sure that you remain healthy and visible . ’
28 ‘ Do n't you worry , I 'll make jolly sure he does n't ! ’
29 I 'll make just three brief points on the Social Chapter .
30 You 'll make particularly good progress with any intellectually demanding projects , especially if they involve in-depth study ; and between now and next October , Jupiter suggests you embark on a wonderfully exciting and adventurous long-distance journey .
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