Example sentences of "[modal v] make [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , let's make sure the others are safe . "
2 Equally , the strategy may serve as another of the various ‘ camouflaging ’ devices we have identified ; in this case what remains disguised is the extent to which a class teacher 's limited grasp of specialist subject matter may make unavailable the options of adopting a more focused and challenging mode of questioning , or making judicious use of a didactic mode .
3 The state may make good the deficiencies of the free market to tackle avoidable ills ( Beveridge , 1944 ) .
4 If the patient can walk , you should make sure the access into the building is not too difficult .
5 Silver Reed and Knitmaster owners should make sure the patterning cogs spin freely .
6 Couples who sell a jointly owned asset should make sure the tax man knows the ownership split , if it falls into the gains tax net .
7 The company should not act too hastily , however , and should make clear the consequences of continued intransigence .
8 However the example I have chosen of the stylistics of manner should make clear the potential difference between the two approaches , and at the same time illustrate the use of a more technically advanced linguistics than that drawn on by Spitzer , who like Auerbach belonged to the European philological tradition more than to the modern tradition of linguistics .
9 Before examining these propositions I must make good the comment that the concentration on the moment of charging has tended to lead the inquiry in the wrong direction .
10 Environmental protection can impose financial costs on producers , consumers and taxpayers , so we must make sure the threat of damage is a real one .
11 Decorative wooden decoy ducks are also touch enough to be handled by toddlers , although you must make sure the children do n't put them in their mouths — the same goes for all painted ornaments .
12 I understand an and appreciate wh what you 're saying and most grateful to you for that , I think wha what you 're , Neil is saying is is that with we must make sure the time , that this main strategic planning he has to look at , this very important issue , allows sufficient time for mature consideration
13 Product description must make clear the function of the product , using the appropriate British Standard term , so that it is less likely that the product will be used as a straightforward cleaning agent without the necessary controls .
14 From the very beginning policymakers must make clear the principles which are going to inform their decision making .
15 The Queen 's Bench Division Direction says that the wording must be specific , and if prescribing unpleasant consequences unless a particular act is done , the order must make clear the precise period within which the act is to be done except that unless the court otherwise specifies , no time need be specified in the case of judgments or orders for the payment of money , for possession of land , or the delivery of goods ; in those cases , the order , unless some time is specified , may be enforced immediately .
16 In all other cases outside of those exceptions the order which prescribes unpleasant consequences , unless a person does a particular act , must make clear the precise time within which the act is to be done ( RSC Ord 42 , r 2(1) ) .
17 If , thanks to you , my daughter comes to any harm , I 'll make sure the world knows every detail of how and why she came to be in danger . ’
18 I 'll make sure the drab never interferes in my plans again . ’
19 ‘ But he 'll make sure the next wench he fancies is n't another man 's property .
20 I 'll make sure the company know what happened . ’
21 ‘ You 'll get rid of her , ’ he announced fiercely , ‘ or , so help me , I 'll make sure the will is revoked and you 'll get nothing ! ’
22 Well that 's what they use in the library so that 's a I 'll make sure the library ones are correct on mine , alright ?
23 So he agreed to give her the camera , show her how to use it ; he 'd make sure the family were out the afternoon she came round to get the film developed .
24 He did accept that the effects of radiation and fall-out could make applicable the rules against poisoned weapons , gases and analogous materials .
25 If reflected on polling day , it would make Labour the largest single party , about 20 seats short of an overall majority , but with Mr Kinnock almost certain to enter Downing Street at the head of a minority government .
26 I would make sure the child knew what we were talking about in terms of the test and confidentiality and the limitations of the test itself .
27 And surely Wat the dung-collector would make sure the door was locked and Godric safe ?
28 In her statement to MPs , Mrs Bottomley said the reforms would be carried through by an implementation group , and a London initiative zone would make sure the reforms cover the most deprived areas of the city .
29 He looked to the United Nations to devise a system of trusteeship which ( so it was very carefully phrased ) " would make effective the right of colonial peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live as soon as in the opinion of the UN they are qualified for independence " .
30 It would make possible the provision of vastly improved public services , while reducing dependency upon them .
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