Example sentences of "[modal v] say is [that] " in BNC.

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1 The most you should say is that on these facts there is evidence of negligence ( or unreasonableness ) , and that a finding to that effect would clearly be right ( or conversely ) .
2 ‘ All I 'll say is that only a foolish dog barks at a flying bird . ’
3 ‘ All I 'll say is that only a foolish dog barks at a flying bird . ’
4 All I 'll say is that you must be honest and , if it 's wrong and this man is a mistake , you must have the courage to tell me .
5 ‘ As for his hard-man image , all I 'll say is that he would n't have lasted five minutes in my day .
6 All I 'd say is that I do n't quite agree with Stuart 's description of that summer with Oliver .
7 The other thing I 'd say is that the budget settlement that we 've got introduces a further hundred thousand of investment in new technology , and this is part of our push to making us more efficient in the way we manage our budgets and all the rest of it .
8 All one need say is that this is how things often are .
9 ‘ One thing I would say is that we get inundated with rent-a-quote demands .
10 ‘ All I would say is that he deserves the chance to keep on going and defend his title . ’
11 But what I would say is that we should perhaps er er you know identify areas where we think we might erm where discussion would be fruitful and then we could marshall the information if we , if we wished to .
12 All I would say is that the principle of fairness , though concerned exclusively with the use of evidence at trial , is not susceptible to categorisation or classification and is wide enough in some circumstances to embrace the way in which , after the crime , evidence has been obtained from the accused .
13 The other thing I would say is that the corporation were not at liberty to disregard their undertaking .
14 What I would say is that the power of the local planning authority to resist development on these sites would be materially reduced were the initial negative presumption against development afforded by greenbelt status removed from them .
15 Yes because in practice what the will would say is that the spouse would have to survive for twenty eight days , th the usual phraseology .
16 The only thing we would say is that we must have a clear vision of our formal and stylistic intentions before we begin .
17 What they would say is that we have to , perhaps we do have to leave things to the individual , but we should leave as little possible to individuals , as little as practically possible so that we should the people involved in making all the important decisions , particularly the carrying out of them that we have to leave to particular appointed individuals .
18 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
19 Now I am able to say that Barton Willmore has done this work , and it has submitted as part of our submission to the E I P , and in summary what I would say is that I believe that that work demonstrates that the new settlement has to be in the order of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , to begin to achieve the environmental objectives set for the new settlement , and also social objectives which would also be important to the residents of that new settlement .
20 Just how that 's going to be accomplished we do n't know , we 're not party to the discussions , we understand that the Greater York authorities do plan to meet shortly after the end of this examination , but just what further work is necessary before they then get onto the location aspects we do n't know about that , all I would say is that we would expect final plan to have the general location of a new settlement embodied in in that plan before it is approved .
21 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
22 Patently the present situation is working and therefore that 's part of it and what I would say is that that this additional policy if it is n't necessary because there there is n't any development pressure , then what is its purpose .
23 Erm the fourth advantage I would say is that it focuses on the balance between the need to promote rural enterprise and the need to protect the countryside .
24 The only other thing I would say is that we have in the report used the words , freedom to run and since writing the report we have been advised that er that is capa not capable or satisfactorily with legal terms and I would suggest that instead of the words , freedom to run we use the words , access management and permissive rights of way , to cover these .
25 What I would say is that Liam was inexperienced in management when he took over at Celtic Park .
26 If so , all I would say is that you are not a child now .
27 And a what I would say is that if you pack carefully , and I advise people as to how to pack crockery You do n't put plates th s big plates on the bottom and then build up , because that puts a tremendous weight on the middle of the big plates at the bottom .
28 What I would say is that we endeavour to counteract that on the reasons that I 've stated , by virtue of the fact that we invite them to read the policy .
29 The only other thing I would say is that you 've got domiciliary health there on the bottom of page forty-three for the first time , a thing that we certainly asked for on your behalf .
30 While blithely ignoring this fact , all Mr Clement will say is that ‘ bluntly , the Shadow Cabinet and unions need to get their fingers out — with some expedition — to set the limits of the proposed legal framework ’ .
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