Example sentences of "[modal v] i [vb infin] about " in BNC.

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1 It is also perfectly in order to say , ‘ May I think about that for a moment ? ’ before answering a question , although clearly it would become rather tedious if you said that every time .
2 But why must I worry about those future citizens , today 's citizen-slob might reason , even if they are likely to include me ?
3 If I decide to make my own tank , how should I go about it ?
4 Is this correct and how should I go about it ?
5 How should I go about it ? ’
6 ‘ What should I do about Dad ? ’
7 Q WHY are my self-sown lupins covered with a grey mould , and what should I do about it ?
8 What should I do about you ? ’
9 Well , what should I do about it ? ’
10 ‘ And what should I do about it , sir ? ’
11 Anyway , why should I care about those yellow motherfuckers ? ’
12 They do n't care about me , so why should I care about them !
13 I 've got ta go and see someone else , who else should I see about this ?
14 These showed a cloth-capped building worker , brick and trowel at the ready , saying ‘ Why should I worry about oil running out ?
17 Why should I worry about such things ?
18 Should I know about this ? ’
19 Why should I lie about it ?
20 But you see , when it was all there cut what could I do about it ?
21 undo it , no way could I undo about that much
22 ‘ How could I forget about this morning ?
23 I could I know about there if I really want to but no way I could do it .
24 ‘ Because if you force me to leave , what would I do about my wretched EC forms on milk yield with which I 've been wrestling ?
25 How would I go about it ?
26 ‘ How would I go about it ?
27 Would I jest about such a disaster ! ’
28 Objective setting is a dialogue discussing the question ‘ What shall I think about ? ’
29 What shall I do about the stuff that I have n't done ?
30 And she believed me that it did n't match three piece suite or carpet and it was stupid , and that sh and she says what shall I do about them ?
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