Example sentences of "[modal v] have [be] hold " in BNC.

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1 she must 've been holding it in because she did n't wan na wipe her bum with her hand and then you know it just burst out before she could get to the toilet .
2 We should have been holding hands , post-morteming the party .
3 Their report clearly indicated that this coroner had been wrong in his judgement of how he should conduct his inquest which , in the opinion of the committee , should have been held after the public inquiry into the cause of the accident .
4 In a case of recognition an identification parade would often be pointless but in the present case an identification parade or at the least a controlled confrontation should have been held .
5 Mobutu said that presidential elections , which should have been held before the expiry of his term of office at midnight that day , had not taken place " for reasons beyond our control but inherent in the dynamics of the process of democratization " .
6 Critics of the Vienna conference , notably the Tehran-based Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq ( SAIRI ) , had said at that time that the conference should have been held in the region to make it more accessible for the bulk of the exiled opposition .
7 Only that she must have been holding out on him all these years , that she did have memories which she had covered up or , to give her the benefit of the doubt , conveniently forgotten about .
8 Let's hope he or she cares about you enough to say , ‘ You know you should have called me earlier-you must have been holding this in for days ! ’
9 The key which she must have been holding had fallen beside her .
10 A full licence must have been held for at least 1 year , and the minimum age is 21 .
11 ‘ He must have been held up , Mum , ’ she said .
12 Greeks found these attitudes hard to understand ; accustomed to connect one-man rule with harsh policing , they imagined that the Persian Empire must have been held down by a system of institutionalized controls — garrisons and garrison-commanders — and touring royal armies and officials , King 's Eyes and King 's Ears , and so on ( Xen .
13 No figure can be put on the number of years for which such a procession must have been held to qualify for the exemption ; any figure that is imposed is likely to be arbitrary .
14 Ferguson 's promise was more praiseworthy than pondering how much Germany might have been holding in reserve .
15 Nor were they informed of the outcome of any conference that might have been held .
16 These might have been held to be missing links in a chain of which the links were very small in some places , and large ( so far ) in others ; but this idea conflicted with the notion that God would have created the best of all possible worlds , which should therefore not change over time since all change must be for the worse .
17 Zhu was reportedly dismissed because of his links with liberal policies , and might have been held responsible for the participation of union members in the pro-democracy protests of May and June .
18 As judicial proceedings are thought to have been held at prominent landmarks , legal decisions could have been held at prominent landmarks , legal decisions could have been made in the vicinity of Loyal centuries ago .
19 Thereafter the time was never judged to be ripe although we were told in oral evidence that , subject to the availability of Ministers , a Defence Committee [ i.e. OD ] meeting could have been held at any time , if necessary at short notice .
20 With the narrow lanes around Bentworth , any approaching traffic would have had to give way and cars travelling in the same direction could have been held up .
21 Jones & Smith may be inconsistent with Collins , where the accused could have been held to be a trespasser because he exceeded his permission to enter .
22 The implication was that there was no flexibility in the decision , it could have been held back , perhaps because he was involved in this , if you like , opportunity of a lifetime .
23 The army may have been holding back because it is reluctant to make martyrs .
24 The very first of these may have been held in Burrell 's Hall off the High Street , but two years later , Glasgow 's first Concert Hall was cobbled together .
25 The long back legs of such hunters look highly suitable for running , and as they did so the long tail may have been held erect as a kind of counter-balance ( see p. 116 ) .
26 During this time the cover may have been held by more than one insurer .
27 They may have been held up .
28 The 24-hour gap between her last sighting and her murder suggests she may have been held prisoner before being killed .
29 There are two members I think have spoken from the Liberal benches concerning funding bureaucracy and I would agree entirely with what that means but they 've also mentioned in the same bet , budgetary control and if you 're going to control budgets , you have to have a minimal amount of bureaucracy and the function really of the head of the er of the project , er the head of the the post that 's now slipped into oblivion with this motion , would actually have been to do two things it would have been to hold the two groups together and it would have been to have overall control of that budget and it would n't have been easy and I would n't have like the job and I wouldn't 've applied for it and certainly would have been very difficult indeed .
30 ‘ When he did so , he would have been holding to an instinctive belief that the signal behind him would inevitably have gone to red .
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