Example sentences of "[modal v] have [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bono understands and relishes the positive subversive possibilities of pop , and realises the piercing edge it should have over the advertising poster , the average sitcom .
2 The second attribute is that each paragraph should have as a first sentence a brief statement or at least an indication of what the paragraph is to consider .
3 Services should have as a primary goal the alleviation of distress , by providing a programme of treatment , care and support based on the unique needs of an individual .
4 Given that we need to ensure that we should have as a priority the conservation of resources and energy efficiency , whatever the amount of reserves of oil and gas , what progress has been made by the Department and the Treasury in discussions with the European Community on the value added tax harmonisation talks with a view to the introduction of a lower level of VAT for environmentally friendly technologies which conserve resources ?
5 This is a guide only and each club in the set should have about the same swingweight .
6 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
7 But having spent all his career in a family business , Sir Adrian has inevitably given a lot of thought to the responsibility a company should have for the community in which it operates .
8 I am merely reporting on the fate to have befallen every other Minister for Sport you can care to mention which is one of the reasons why we are still debating the kind of football stadiums we should have for the future when every other country besides Botswana and the Cocos Islands have already built theirs .
9 Four members of the sprint squad missed the bus and arrived at the stadium later than they should have for the morning heats .
10 The Washington Redskins had more trouble than they should have with the injury-ridden Phoenix Cardinals before winning by two points while San Francisco relied on one of those Joe Montana come-from-behind specials to overcome New Orleans 24-20 .
11 ‘ Where an unconstitutional change of regime takes place in a recognised state , governments of other states must necessarily consider what dealings , if any , they should have with the new regime , and whether and to what extent it qualifies to be treated as the government of the state concerned .
12 The criteria most commonly used to establish how many people we should have in a sample are such characteristics as age , gender , marital status and socio-economic status , although various other criteria may be used as appropriate .
13 ‘ Our sentencing system has become muddled , and many of our fellow citizens lack the confidence which they should have in the decisions of our criminal courts .
14 When he urged the pieds noirs to give up integration , when he ordered the army to remain loyal , when he appealed to the FLN to lay down their arms and negotiate , he evoked not just the powers and responsibilities of his office but the confidence that they should have in the person of himself , General de Gaulle .
15 Okay and that sh we should have in the next day or two .
16 So that Committee is not determining what training people should have in the companies .
17 The approach that I have called theoretical as opposed to practical must have as a major part of its aim not merely the passing on of facts and formulae but the inculcation of critical and speculative habit .
18 I am immensely relieved — she had a terrible anxiety feeling , and the move might have killed her altogether , and must have as a writer , I think .
19 The fundamental issue is this that if the Labour Party is to remain a party of labour it must have as an integral part the trade union movement , it 's as simple as that , colleagues !
20 Mr Smith said : ‘ However well intentioned the reform may have been and however well it may work in schools sufficiently funded for it to work , the fact is too many of its side-effects are visible , malign and damaging and John Patten must have at the very top of his agenda an urgent review . ’
21 ‘ What we must have at the same time is a greater level of consistency and the kind of spirit that was evident against Rangers . ’
22 It seemed to her she must have on every piece of jewellery the family owned .
23 as if conscious of the damaging effect this group must have on the imagined relationship between the Poet and the Friend , damaging to the Poet and damaging to the reader 's view of both the Friend and the Poet ( ‘ why does he persevere ? ’ readers may ask in some irritation when confronted with such a catalogue of the Friend 's faults ) , Shakespeare sets matters even by writing what seems to be a related group where the Poet describes his own faults ( 109 , 110 , 111 , 112 ; 117 , 118 , 119 , 120 ) .
24 she must have on the christening
25 We must have in a short answer like there 's a definition , most of the concepts there will be erm defined effective protection , its optimal , optimal tariff , trained creation , or trained diversion , there will be concepts that need definition , economic jargon , so you must have an equal er definition in there and you must have examples of how this concept is used , right say erm er one of those about do n't make reciprocal dumping .
26 We could n't see the track they were following at all — amazing sense of direction they must have in the Jungle .
27 Pinkie sucked in his drink in a curious manner , very curious considering how many gins lie must have in the course of the week , as though his glass was a blowhole in Arctic ice and to drink was his only hope of survival .
28 Your licence we 'll have for a year .
29 I did n't it was so bright and windy so I put another lot in after that lot came out it 'll be , only be T-shirts I 'll have in the dryer when they finish off .
30 So I said There 's no way that what you 've just told me will go in an hour , I said It 'll take at least a couple of hours and what about all the small stuff he 'll have in the house ?
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