Example sentences of "[modal v] be the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Think about these things : 1 What is the main effect you want to have as you read the poem ? 2 How can you vary the way in which you read it ? 3 Which parts should be the loudest ? 4 Are there any parts that should be quiet ? 5 How should the speed vary as you read ?
2 It is bitterly ironic that Somalia , the only nation in Africa with one ethnic group , one culture , one language and one religion should be the most deeply divided of the continent 's 52 fractious countries .
3 The result is that the friendship of a husband and wife should be the most intimate and most spiritual friendship two human beings can ever enjoy together .
4 To build the most stable and convenient soil structure possible from the available resources should be the most important task of every farmer .
5 Ideally , this is the kind of love that should be the most important of the many elements which form the basis of human marriages .
6 Fernando Botero 's ‘ Quatre Femmes ’ of 1987 should be the most expensive work sold with an estimate of $800,000–1,000,000 ( £533,000–666,000 ) followed by Rufina Tamayo 's ‘ Figura ’ from 1957 ( est. $500,000–600,000 ; £333,000–400,000 ) .
7 Ironically Marxists should be the most extreme individualists .
8 The reality of life is of course that it is the bad news man who should be the most prized .
9 ‘ Light should be the most important material in our project , ’ proclaimed the architect .
10 Notes are so often hard to understand , even for the person who wrote them , and yet they should be the most transparently clear of all means of communication .
11 A ‘ like for like ’ comparison ( eg bad debts being compared against bad debts and tax liailities with tax liabilities ) should be the most agreed to by a purchaser .
12 Unilever 's success stories include its Italian ice-cream which now has 80 per cent of what should be the most sophisticated ice-cream market .
13 If comfort is important to you — and if it is n't now , it almost certainly will be at a later date — anchor pieces like sofas and large armchairs should be the best looking and most comfortable you can pay for and find .
14 Self-respect stimulated by a little gentle rivalry demanded that all should be the very best available .
15 twenty is your braking distance and your overall should be the there in the middle , which is forty , that 's cos
16 To this end she dressed in the most outrageously modern and expensive clothes , ‘ so that they should be the more staring to men 's sight ’ .
17 If you treat me like an ox to be bargained for , I should be the more careful not to annoy you .
18 There should be the least possible tension between the artist and his subject .
19 But Harrods 's biggest concern must be the generally worsening climate for all department stores .
20 Gary Speed must be the longest serving player at Leeds now with about 5 years .
21 Czechoslovaks must be the best fed and the best shod of Eastern Europe 's new wave revolutionaries .
22 A BT spokesman said : ‘ The Pennan box must be the best known in the whole of Scotland .
23 ‘ Judo has always been a technical sport for me — it must be the most complex of any in the Olympic Games , ’ White said .
24 Australian flies must be the most persistent in the world .
25 Love must be the most beautiful flower than can be cultivated in transcendent garden of the mind .
26 In what must be the most liberal judgement ever handed down by a football authority , the FA disciplinary committee decided it was unintentional .
27 The following gorge must be the most continuous section of grade IV+ water in Wales .
28 Returning to our canine theme , dogs still carry with them the same instincts possessed by their wild ancestors , still remaining members of that same species — the wild wolf — even after so many generations of breeding have made them what must be the most diverse species upon Earth .
29 This remains a good way of doing things , and must be the most pain-free way of building up a stock of components .
30 At £60 million for two copies of a 1½-page document , it must be the most expensive publication in history .
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