Example sentences of "[modal v] of be [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had some stuff nicked , a ski jacket which cost me seventy five quid it were half , the rest it should of been a hundred and fifty
2 you know , and erm , our Kim , er , she , she goes to bloody extreme then , she 's picked a wardrobe , one wardrobe and a set of drawers , should of been a thousand pound and that bloke at Aston where she got her bed from , which she paid twelve hundred pound just for a bedhead
3 Mm , that 's marvellous , so it should of been a hundred and forty five .
4 Small , yes , they should of been a bit
5 Cor I should n't of been there I think I should of been the next one along
6 I suppose I can understand it now , I mean it must of been a lovely place , and then to have all these new houses going up you know , but erm , I mean there was some lovely , lovely lanes
7 there must of been a thousand thousands sold of this , done I should think
8 it must of been a long
9 Must of been a butcher or a baker .
10 Oh he came from an old , I think he came from a very old er , there was , there was a General , first world war , erm , well the last time I heard anything about Cake , well , he was , he 'd , he 'd left the Signals section , he was the when I left India , and the last time I heard anything about him , I read it in , in a paper in erm , when the troubles were on and he was brig brigadier in charge of an infantry brigade , about my age , well , a , probably a year or two older than me , cos he was a , yeah he was a lieutenant when I got out there a full lieutenant , so he must of been a captain .
11 Neither of them do write , oh here he goes , he must of been a bit cold .
12 Charmwood the house and she was saying when her mum and dad were courting , where they used to do the co courting , like must of been a wood and that I think
13 Well it must of been a turbo turbo thrust
14 So anyway , we started talking about him , they 're doing a survey and er and suddenly it must of been a quarter of an hour later remember the the drinks , I have n't done any drinks !
15 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
16 when I went down there , there must of been a winding me up but the only problem was that er , it was all into er one thirty but er but I mean after you went out I took Thomas out on the road
17 Oh I yeah , he got this , this er must of been a good metal detector you know
18 It must of been a
19 Must of been a tiger what the , well could n't have been a cat
20 as a last sort of erm two days of the sale or something , they have their special offer next week or fifty percent off everything or something I feel sorry for these places really , that do you know it 's funny I only saw the car immediately in front of this grey one in there must of been a dip there because there 's two cars in front of me
21 Yeah it must of been a few they 'd got through
22 He must of been an admiral of title somewhere else , ha ha .
23 The first form talked about it more than any one else , of course they squealed with laughter when they saw the poor Mary Lou Manselle and Gwendoline , all falling victims to the same spider , jolly clever spider said Irene , it means the only three people in the form that it that would be scared of it , I take my hat off to that spider , ca n't think why it chose my desk said Mary Lou , no , that was a shame said Gwendoline , poor Mary Lou it must of been an awful shock for you when you saw it , I wonder who put it there ?
24 Oh , dear he 's been dead , ten it must of been the ten , this is eighty two , seventy two , about sixty five I should think about sixty five
25 So it was n't the bicycle people that , that the two , that they were laying in ambush for , must of been the car thieves they were laying in ambush for .
26 That one must of been the day the boys come up from school
27 I am Mrs who 's sort of the secretary and books , does the booking for the hall , he could n't get that , anyway it occurred to me afterwards it must of been the grandmother of that girl that bought the erm , cos he kept on talking a Michelle and that 's the girl that bought our suite and I reckon it 's her child 's birthday party , she said erm you know my , you know my son-in-law , I said do I ?
28 I think that must of been the old boy over the road you know
29 No they were , that 's what they were were n't it when it all happened , the old Revered somebody or other , they wilful murder but erm yeah basically it does n't seem like , there was no real evidence as to who erm fired first and there was no conclusion that the about that , but they were certainly I R A gunmen , para 's , its like without a doubt if you know some people , but like with those high powered weapons they may , alright its unfortunately that somebody may have got shot , but it may not of been the main shot , that may , may of been a ricochet or , or anything like that , both their they 've got a killing range of up to three mile so one mate come round , he says he 's gon na come round again tomorrow and have a look at it
30 You know that 's all right he may , might , alright there may of been a soldier there , but they 've just come from that direction
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