Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] it be " in BNC.

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1 In that context , is not the continued closure of Bir Zeit university , which was announced the other day , an intolerable provocation , and should not it be condemned ?
2 And it should really it 's I think we should put November automatic on that .
3 But with Bob 's vinyl guitar work concealing so many intricacies beneath its initial , power-chordal attack , must n't it be difficult for one man to recreate on stage ?
4 Three so she 'd say , Oh you know mind I 've cut it up a bit do you you should n't it 's still a quarter still a quarter you have n't lost a bit of it but it 's still a quarter three twelfths is the same as a quarter .
5 No you should n't it is an error .
6 And should n't it be an earless anyhow ?
7 Why should n't it be ?
8 Should n't it be the thinkers , the creators of ideas ?
9 Should n't it be the people who have as their driving force the desire to reveal truths about human life ?
10 Well , why should n't it be the same horse , I say ?
11 Why should n't it be ?
12 It is wanted by its family , so why should n't it be given the chance to live ?
13 ‘ Yeah , nice one Richard , but should n't it be called ‘ Tubular Bongs ’ ? ’
14 ‘ Why should n't it be ? ’
15 ( Why should n't it be ? ) 33 .
16 ‘ Why should n't it be accessible ? ’
17 I said , ‘ Why should n't it be real ?
18 ‘ Why should n't it be different this time ? ’
19 But why should n't it be true ? she reasoned .
20 If it 's good enough for my mates , why should n't it be good enough for me ? ’
21 Should n't it be on the floor ?
22 Should n't it be round that side ?
23 Oh well should n't it be
24 Might n't it be the case that those other bodies with which we seem to have personal relations of friendship , dislike etc. , actually have no mental states at all ; that there is no internal life , but only the external behaviour ?
25 I do n't really mind , cos it looks so nice in the sun , but I 'd rather it was n't so blummin cold .
26 If somebody has to be here , I 'd rather it was you . ’
27 And I 've said that you know I 'd rather it was on the soft but whether it will get
28 I 'd rather it was with them than buying expensive misfits all the time .
29 I 'd rather it were kept quiet if any more do .
30 ‘ Pleased to meet you — I 'd rather it were elsewhere . ’
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