Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] of a " in BNC.

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1 Court proceedings should be of a civil rather than criminal nature , she said .
2 The retailer should not sell you the first slice and the second cut should be of a bright , usually pink colour .
3 It is pointed out that fluorescent lighting in clinical areas should be of a recommended type having colour rendering properties with which the decorative finishes in such areas must also be compatible .
4 By then , Chapman considered that the all-red jersey looked ordinary , out of tune with the club 's distinction , so he decided that in line with Aston Villa , until then the club with the greatest prestige and tradition behind it , the sleeves should be of a different colour to the rest of the top .
5 This should be of a fine grain size to allow the female to do the small amount of digging necessary to convert her cave into an ideal home for herself and her fry .
6 In captivity synspilum will eat just about any of the normal cichlid foods — earthworms , woodlice , beefheart , liver , chicken , fish , mussel , prawn ; obviously the foods chosen should be of a size suited to the fish , and the diet should contain a high level of vegetable material cooked peas , scalded lettuce or spinach , duckweed or other aquatic plants ; if a pelleted food is to form part of the diet this should be one with a high vegetable content — pond pellets are often suitable .
7 In the correspondence arising therefrom , it was agreed that the next sixteen cars which the South Metropolitan Co. would require should be of a smaller type , making a saving of £58 per car .
8 Instead , the very word ‘ miniature ’ means that everything should be of a smaller scale than usual , even including the fabric or card that you will use for the backing .
9 Many midwives feel the current emphasis in antenatal care should be of a social nature rather than a medical one , yet Taylor ( 1985 ) , in a study of consumers ' perceptions of maternity care , showed that clients ' emotional needs are often ignored .
10 Apart from the dimensions and shape of the pot , an important point to remember is that whatever the colour or decoration on the outside of the pots or jars used for potted meats , the inside should be of a pale colour and preferably white , so that the delicate creams and pinks of the contents with their layer of yellow butter look fresh and appetizing against their background .
11 The males to be vasectomized should be of a strain or genotype with a good breeding performance .
12 " it was desirable that the buildings to be erected should be of a character suitable for a Grammar School and not limited to those of an ordinary Secondary School and that the position be fully reported to the Educational Charities in the Town . "
13 But the shaming should not be of a ‘ stigmatizing ’ nature which will tend to exclude them from being accepted members of the community ; it should be of a kind which serves to reintegrate them within it , by getting them to accept that they have done wrong while encouraging others to readmit them to society .
14 So all that phrase means , in plain English , is that the goods should be of a reasonable standard and in particular it means that the goods should not be broken or damaged or faulty and whatever you 've bought should work .
15 There was still a role for central economic management , in Medvedev 's view , but it should be of a wholly strategic kind , leaving operational decisions to the enterprises themselves as ‘ socialist commodity producers ’ .
16 In theory , the quality of committee decisions should be of a high standard ;
17 A leaked document from within the military stated that " anti-subversive " operations should be of a " highly aggressive and offensive character " and that " the best subversive is a dead subversive ; therefore no prisoners need be taken " .
18 The trial judge agreed that the computer programs were protected by confidence but said that the protection should be of a limited nature .
19 In Jones v Jones ( see 13.11 ) the court considered what the fate should be of a valuation " made on an erroneous principle " .
20 The water cistern will be in the roof space or in a high cupboard and should be of an approved plastic construction , clean , strong and with the seal of approval of the National Water Council .
21 That is why we think it better the change in the community should be of an evolutionary rather than of a revolutionary kind .
22 Judging by the sound of the guns , they must be of a heavier calibre , and their target many miles away .
23 The vision must be of a multi-lateral teacher placement programme between all community countries .
24 ‘ As soon as I am rich I mean to engage some of the very finest artists in their respective lines to paint figures into the landscapes , but these must be of a large size , and if executed in a superior manner will find many admirers ’ .
25 But of course , reliance on beans from a single source means they must be of a consistently high standard .
26 ‘ The nature of the trains means they must be of a very high standard . ’
27 Invitations , posters and other publicity material must be of a high standard , as must your framing and presentation .
28 It follows from the foregoing that a condition of the type at issue in the main proceedings , which stipulates that where a vessel is owned or chartered by natural persons they must be of a particular nationality , and where it is owned or chartered by a company the shareholders and directors must be of that nationality , is contrary to article 52 of the E.E.C .
29 The rule of course has in many senses a more restricted application than nuisance ; there must be an accumulation , and it must be of a substance likely to cause injury if it escapes , neither of which is essential to liability in nuisance .
30 However , the form of section 2(2) means that with regard to liability for animals not belonging to a dangerous species the position will be fundamentally the same as at common law , since the damage must be of a kind made likely by the characteristics known to the keeper .
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