Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] think [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It remains highly questionable why such a sensational and unrealistic play should be thought worthy of attention in the first place , but this is perhaps indicative of attitudes within the theatre that mental handicap is a good basis for plays written by writers who have no understanding of mental handicap but view it as a subject of horror around which some dramatic scenario can be created .
2 Local income taxes might be thought capable of performing better against the criterion of equity , but it was argued that they would be difficult to administer in the UK , for the reasons outlined by Kay and King ( 1986 ) .
3 It might be thought odd that the desperately poor spent hard-earned pence on providing for a ceremony they would never see .
4 She wondered , however , whether the philosophy of matching services closely to needs might eventually mean that existing residents who were relatively independent might be thought unsuitable for Mencap 's homes .
5 It might be thought reasonable to treat all cases of NSU so diagnosed when they initially present to the clinic as if they had a sexually transmitted disease and prescribe appropriate antibiotics , and , indeed , this is common practice in most clinics .
6 ‘ I have only just begun discussions with Celtic over renewing my contract and it has not got to the stage of the manager making me an offer , ’ said the player whose ability to impose himself on the opposition might be thought worthy of international recognition .
7 Cecil 's yearly income from politics at the end of his life was nearly £7,000 without the presents from Spain and other hidden receipts ; that might be thought sufficient .
8 For disability rights reform , it might be thought sufficient to take the framework of the British discrimination statutes , add the terms ‘ disability ’ and ‘ disabled person ’ where appropriate , and supply a definition of the newly protected class .
9 The poem might be thought self-pitying if it were more believable .
10 Thus the fact that , for Rayleigh numbers only a little above critical , there is only a limited range of unstable wavenumber κ might be thought adequate information for a knowledge of the flow .
11 , it 's only an hour he might an hour but after that he 'll be thinking bloody hell the pubs will be open
12 well she 'll be thinking that , I says , that 's why I feel
13 ‘ It 'll be thought strange .
14 In others , it may be thought appropriate to arrange merely a casual introduction to the office for a couple of weeks or so at a nominal remuneration .
15 It is further submitted that , as Parliament has intervened by the Act of 1976 in the matter of pre-natal injuries to unborn children , it should be left to Parliament to effect any further change in the law that may be thought necessary or to develop the law from where it was left by the Divisional Court in Ireland in Walker 's case .
16 It may be thought unreasonable that the legislation should both refuse to give credit for repayments and charge renewed borrowings as if they were a first-time borrowing .
17 It may be thought odd that no large bronze double-axes were found at Knossos or Phaistos , but this is probably because the sites were ransacked in antiquity and plundered of their usable and precious metal objects .
18 The same thing applies to concepts or ways of discussion which may be thought normal or " crude " according only to personal feeling .
19 What may be thought surprising is the absence of Celtic deities which are so well represented in stone sculpture and reliefs , especially in the west .
20 ( 2 ) If the case is reported in the Law Reports it may be thought sufficient to cite only the Law Reports ; but if it is not in the Law Reports the main ‘ collateral ’ reports should be cited in which the case appears .
21 Departments have their own legal advisers but the view of the judges , who will be required to interpret and apply the legislation , may be thought valuable .
22 That it be referred to the same Meeting to open a voluntary subscription to forward such means as may be thought most likely to promote the study of scientific Farriery … ’ .
23 It may be thought unwise to present a young a artist in repertoire as familiar and well-recorded as this , but one only needs to listen to the first minute of track one , the F major Sonata , to realise that Haefliger is in complete command and has something unique to offer , namely youthful energy , dash and charisma .
24 These latter words may be thought puzzling ; accounts are intended to protect creditors as well as members .
25 It may be thought disturbing that the two methods give different answers ; however , the real argument against both is clearer when they are applied in a situation where the purchases are of different commodities , e.g. coal ( in tons ) , electricity ( in kilowatt hours ) , matches ( in boxes of 50 ) .
26 It is true that this is likely to happen when a whole class has just embarked on a subject and may be thought ready to take Grade 1 all together .
27 communist with the , the Kuomintang I mean , wo would they be of the opinion that revolution should happen , but maybe they , they would be thinking more in terms of an urban revolution or would they be er very similar opinion to the Kuomintang , you know
28 To do so would be thought ineffective .
29 Using historical continuity as an argument for keeping twenty- and thirty-year-old text books would be thought absurd .
30 Now , they would be thought obscene public perception has changed and understood that animals are sentient beings and that we demean our humanity if we are cruel to them or permit cruelty .
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