Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [that] there " in BNC.

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1 as if I had to ask why it should be that there is n't any fun any more .
2 Our conclusion must be that there are many criteria of organizational effectiveness , some of which are mutually exclusive , yet , paradoxically , these seemingly conflicting attributes are able to co-exist and to work together .
3 One conclusion must be that there are probably more similarities between large ectotherms and endothermic homeotherms than between large endotherms and small endothermic homeotherms like rabbits and mice .
4 If , as is postulated here , usage is determined by the meaning to be expressed , the answer must be that there are two different ways of conceiving causation in English , make representing it in a way that calls for the bare infinitive , cause in a way requiring the representation of abstract movement in time signified by to .
5 One advantage of this amalgamation might be that there would be less potential for the jury to become confused , and yet the jury would still be empowered to reduce murder to manslaughter in appropriate cases .
6 Another explanation for the skewing of sexual ratio might be that there is heavier mortality among females , particularly lactating ones , during times of drought .
7 It might be that there really is nothing else of importance , or it might be that I just do n't want to make the whole of me available .
8 One answer to it might be that there are systemic forces strong enough to propel the nation states through their orbits , rather as if they were planets in a solar system in dynamic equilibrium .
9 It might be that there are technological , industrial or military products or processes associated with a discipline .
10 might be that there could be something as simple as that that 's
11 I thought it might be that there was a , we were n't covered for the liability to pick people
12 might be that there could be something as simple as that that 's
13 Woonerven had demonstrably reduced accidents , but it could be that there were elements of the design which alone and inexpensively , could achieve similar or even greater reductions .
14 It could be that there 'll be a swing to the right but then the pendulum will swing back .
15 Fenella emerged from her corner only after the footsteps had died away and she was as sure as she could be that there was no danger of the Robemaker returning .
16 It could be that there are major goals which businesses fulfil , such as maximising the return on capital , whilst having shorter term aims , such as increasing turnover .
17 So it could be that there were line from eighty one would come up to the eight five based starting point er a rather than the eighty nine based starting point on the graph .
18 It could be that there 's more money avail
19 I mean it could be that there 's air in it somewhere .
20 Could be that there would be a delay .
21 There is , however , a more fundamental reason why an attempt to perceive a structure within a given set of phenomena may fail ; it may be that there actually is no structure there to be perceived in the first place .
22 It may be that there is literally nothing they can say about it in the terms they are accustomed to using .
23 It may be that there is no God — every theist should be able to say that .
24 In posing these questions I am not necessarily wanting to provide the answers , and it may be that there are no simple answers to some of these questions .
25 On a Sunday at family worship , it may be that there has been a rush to get to the service .
26 And it may be that there are certain women whose beauty is so strong , so close to the archetype of the Queen of Beauty , that they produce an intense effect upon other human beings .
27 It is not unusual to be in this position , and it may be that there is an accepted procedure to follow in the eventuality of employers making you an offer .
28 It may be that there is a clue to this in something else that happened at Limoges .
29 It may be that there is something to be said for this composite view .
30 It may be that there was a small military station to guard a river crossing , either a bridge or a ford , in the Tiviot Dale area .
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