Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [adj] next " in BNC.

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1 But the project should be complete next year and 6,000 British workers face an uncertain future .
2 SuperSparc+ and MicroSparc-II specifications will be out in the summer , SuperSparc designs should be available next month , while the UltraSparc specifications wo n't be ready until the fourth quarter of next year .
3 The unpriced software should be available next quarter offering new functions such as automatic release note creation .
4 SuperSparc+ and MicroSparc-II specifications will be out in the summer , SuperSparc designs should be available next month , whilst UltraSparc specifications wo n't be ready until the fourth quarter of next year .
5 Follow your own energy , and do whatever attracts you — bearing in mind that an exercise might be helpful next week , or in six months ' time , rather than now .
6 Until she decides to have another ripping I 'll be glad next year when they go out in the garden again , do you know what I mean ?
7 Alice eventually said she 'd buy our house after all that time and said , and said well she 'd be right next door to her
8 Market report may be ready next week
9 We did n't know if we would be alive next month , next year .
10 It was a great disappointment but I made up my mind there and then that it would be different next term .
11 But he revealed that details of a users and carers group to monitor implementation of community care would be forthcoming next month .
12 The first results would be ready next week .
13 We have prepared a wide-ranging study kit for GCSE , which will be available next term , and preparations are in hand for a scheme to construct solid links between schools and their local tennis club .
14 MINISTERS yesterday announced that £31 million will be available next year to develop computer systems to assess hospital doctors ' success in treating patients .
15 Unisys Corp added two new workstations to the CTOS SuperGen line of networked commercial workstations : the SuperGen 3000 and SuperGen 1000 are the first CTOS systems based on Unisys personal computers using standard architecture ; the SuperGen 3000 is a fully featured Intel Corp 80486SL-based client workstation at about $2,000 and available now , the SuperGen 1000 costs about $3,000 and will be available next month .
16 Sparcstation 10 and Classic LX system specifications will be available next month : plans for 45MHz SuperSparc+ Sparcstation 10 Models 52 and 54 and 50MHz SuperSparc+ Models 62 and 64 will follow later this year .
17 The ASM160 lists for $3,200 and will be available next month .
18 Sparcstation 10 and Classic LX system specifications will be available next month : plans for 45MHz SuperSparc+ Sparcstation 10 Models 52 and 54 and 50MHz SuperSparc+ Models 62 and 64 will follow later this year .
19 There is no guarantee that this money will be available next year so training providers are now scrabbling around trying to work out ways of providing training up to the required standard in six months instead of the full year
20 There is no guarantee that this money will be available next year so training providers are now scrabbling around trying to work out ways of providing training up to the required standard in six months instead of the full year .
21 no , you need n't , need n't take those you got out last Friday , its the earlier one 's of which will be due next week I 'm sure cos they 've put up the prices now , its about ten P every day you have them out .
22 I will be married next winter .
23 Mike will be useful next time he comes up to erm he probably knows how to connect those extension wires into th on the telephone does n't he ?
24 It is just possible things will be different next time .
25 In terms of prospecting , I usually do the training exhibition at the N E C every July , er , in eighty six , a man came onto my stand and we chatted for half an hour , he then said to tell you the truth I 'm not interested now , but I will be interested next May .
26 We think they will be ready next year , and we are looking forward to tasting the fruit . ’
27 Look out for the pack , it will be ready next Spring , in time for the events which will continue throughout the year with of course , a big Christmas push for all those carol concerts .
28 Yeah I 'm just saying that it will be ready next term .
29 Visits to Ulster 's historic monuments will be free next weekend .
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