Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There should be 10cm of paper on either side ( Fig 1 ) .
2 Rose had decreed there should be music in her shops , and she had selected the repertoire herself .
3 In the majority of cases it is preferable that there should be service of the application upon the other side .
4 An elderly parent living alone invariably has problems to cope with , though , in some area of life , and ideally the people to help them should be members of their own family ; people who know their character and understand their needs , those they do not have to make an effort to relate to and trust , and who can move around freely in their homes , to sort through the various ‘ pockets ’ of their anxiety more easily than any stranger can do .
5 All abseilers should be members of the British Abseil Association , abide by its rules , and hold the appropriate award for the level of abseiling being undertaken .
6 Cavity wall insulation is one of those difficult jobs which has to be left to the experts and , ideally , to make sure the job is done properly , they should be members of the National Cavity Insulation Association .
7 We could have been a lot more down the road to genuinely modernizing the Labour Party , making it a bit more in tune with our own members and those many thousands who should be members of the Labour Party .
8 Recommendations included a trade matching system to which all institutional members should be members by 1992 , confirmation and matching of trades one day after the transaction , dematerialisation of share certificates , a delivery-against-payment system by 1992 , three-day rolling settlement by 1992 , and the ability to borrow and lend securities , which helps in breaking a line of unsettled bargains .
9 I went to change me poll tax and er I says to her , I says , I should be court to Monday oh she says you 've got a fifteen pound court thing , I says aye , she says oh well that 's fifteen pound , I says it 's not cos I 'm not paying it I says I 'm not paying the fifteen pound to the court , I says , I says how come last year I did n't pay right round to February last year I said and yet I , your last payment 's next month , you know , she said oh well they 're stricter this year she says , she , if you 'd pay the half year you 'd of been alright
10 Draft guidelines for the Lothario of the lecture theatre say appropriate colleagues or bosses should be told and there should be separation from any professional responsibilities towards the student involved .
11 The overflow pipe ( which should be 22mm in diameter ) should be positioned such that the top is at least 20mm below the discharge from the ballvalve and the bottom is at least 25mm above the waterline .
12 The second requirement is that the EP system should support annotations , and moreover that there should be provision for several sorts of annotation , e.g. the student 's annotations explaining why he has done what he has , and the marker 's annotations commenting on the student 's work .
13 Clients may not be physically ill , but there should be provision for care in the appropriate environment if required .
14 There should be provision for practice of all skills , revision should be built in and the design of the text should be attractive and easy to read .
15 No wonder , Paulos argues , that in a society in which such lapses are common , and indeed go unremarked , the citizenry should be prey to every form of delusion and chicanery , political or mercenary .
16 When morning came she was too ill with the poison to move and despite her weak protests he told her he would watch over her , for no eagle should be prey to gull or crow .
17 In relation to the question of the position of women , it would follow that , since — it is thought — the new testament does not allow the headship of a woman , and through the fact that women did not exercise headship in that society , that a woman should be head of state is as wrong as that a woman should exercise headship within the church .
18 Put the remaining dividers that you have , it should be H to L after that section in front of the expense envelopes .
19 I did not believe a newspaper should be part of the apparatus of the state ; we are not a totalitarian society .
20 The amount of chromium and nickel added is indicated with a number , which should be part of the description of cutlery in any sales literature .
21 The impetus fur any step , pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet .
22 The struggle to recover the sense of relation to nature and to God , the recognition that even the most primitive feelings should be part of our heritage , seems to me to be the explanation and justification of the life of
23 German reunification should be part of a wider process of bringing a new peace order in Europe .
24 Integral drainers , also of stainless steel , should be part of any sink installation .
25 Better known since cheap domestic models became available these are valuable and indispensable tools that should be part of every food operation .
26 No one doubted that some form of physical education should be part of the programme ; nor was there any dissent from the view that girls were to be taught domestic economy and similar subjects in addition to trade and academic courses ; and , thirdly , the terms ‘ vocational ’ and ‘ liberal ’ should be generously interpreted , rather than be seen as mutually exclusive .
27 This should be part of the resident 's care plan .
28 The clinical teacher should be part of the ward team , but must resist becoming an extra pair of hands .
29 The fault 's western side is moving inexorably northward at a rate of five cm a year and should be part of Alaska in about 50 million years .
30 Each of these expressions of love should be part of every marriage .
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