Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] come [noun] " in BNC.

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1 WARNINGS about traffic jams building up on Britain 's motorways may soon come courtesy of Soviet spy satellites , following a deal struck yesterday .
2 If he does , he may just come face to face with himself .
3 He 'll never come back of his own free choice , she admitted .
4 He would not come north again .
5 ‘ The great and beautiful Dane Jacobsen would merely have to cock a finger and the object of his desires would surely come running . ’
6 No , no , thank you very much , it 's all right , he is n't badly hurt , a sprained ankle , and they say it is n't serious , but it does mean he ca n't come north yet … ’
7 Yeah , but the trouble with it there is that very often you get , you get half of them say we ca n't come Tuesday , but we can come Wednesday
8 But in a welcome departure from the impersonal world of the supermarket , with its individually cling-filmed organic vegetables , the farmer and shopper will soon come face to face .
9 However dramatic and intriguing you make the work , however visual , there will nevertheless come times when you need to sit down with them and talk things through .
10 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
11 But the site wo n't come on-stream for at least another 5 years :
12 ‘ Single men wo n't come top of the list for rehousing , not by a long chalk . ’
13 His voice had changed during the last few words and she pushed him hard against the end of the settle as she said , ‘ No , they wo n't come running , but have you ever thought of you doin' the askin' ?
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