Example sentences of "[modal v] [prep] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the land behind me , in what used to be no man 's land is hidden the bunker where Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide at the end of the war .
2 Barr , in what used to be a general policy for museum curators , was not writing a passionate defence of the work his museum exhibited .
3 This used to be a lot easier to do than it is now : for one thing , working in the profession means that you have to belong to the actors ' union , Equity .
4 ‘ You used to be a teacher ? ’
5 ‘ Yeah , Steve said you used to be a university lecturer . ’
6 I used to be a professional cleaner — I do n't want to get her into any trouble , I … ’
7 You mean you used to be a museum curator or something ? ’
8 This used to be a perception shared with Protestants .
9 The gift-shop used to be a farmhouse , one of several owned by the skinflint farmer Boris who made his fortune by never paying bills .
10 Nicholas Roe , a writer who used to be a fishmonger , says : ‘ I seemed to spend more time sending fish back than selling it .
11 But the mainstream of calligraphy used to be a movement that firmly set modernism aside and as a result virtually vanished as a serious art school discipline after the 1960s .
12 THE WELSH used to be a hindrance rather than a help to the All Blacks but , by giving Grant Fox permission to practise his goalkicking at the Arms Park prior to tomorrow 's game with Cardiff , they might be contributing to their own downfall .
13 There used to be a woman sergeant in [ place ] who used to refer to the reserve men as ‘ dick-head reserve men ’ , ‘ fucking idiots ’ , till one day this reserve man says to her , ‘ See that man over there , before he came to this job he was a aircraft technician , [ name ] used to be a chief mechanic .
14 There used to be a woman sergeant in [ place ] who used to refer to the reserve men as ‘ dick-head reserve men ’ , ‘ fucking idiots ’ , till one day this reserve man says to her , ‘ See that man over there , before he came to this job he was a aircraft technician , [ name ] used to be a chief mechanic .
15 [ Name ] there used to be a architect and [ name ] has a degree in law . ’
16 She used to be a check-out girl in [ name of supermarket ] .
17 He used to be a seaman .
18 He used to be a keen sportsman in his younger days and rowed for England .
19 There used to be a lot of work .
20 ‘ This used to be a recreation room .
21 ‘ She used to be a bit of a lost soul , ’ says Jakki , ‘ but she 's changed a lot recently and I think that 's all down to Michael Hutchence .
22 Here by the Oberbaum bridge across the icy Spree is what used to be a quintessential Cold War Berlin scene .
23 Collusion , which used to be a bar to divorce , is no longer prohibited , and indeed a Committee chaired by Mrs Justice Booth recommended in 1985 that the parties should in future be entitled to file joint petitions for divorce .
24 ‘ There used to be a good chippy down the back of Albert Street .
25 In many the class-rooms are simply partitioned cubicles in what used to be a large hall … .
26 Seagal used to be a martial arts expert , so at least the stunts are worth watching , even if the principals are n't ( Seagal looks like Chuck Norris on Mogadon and LeBrock really should n't be wearing such a tight skirt ) .
27 ‘ What does it mean here , where it says that this used to be a ‘ crubeen shop ’ ? ’
28 ‘ This used to be a lord 's fishing lodge , ’ Mrs Knelle told me , with a slight laugh .
29 It used to be a hotel .
30 Neither the Labour spokesman , Mark Fisher , whose father used to be a Tory MP and a friend , or the Tory spokesman , Tim Renton , another friend , are against state subsidies for the arts , as I am .
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