Example sentences of "[modal v] [pron] really [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After a while , after a silence broken only by the whispering of the fire , she raised her head and said , ‘ May I really have some hens soon ?
2 Should I really have supported this venture rather than the raffle tickets ?
3 But should you really play Muggins up front ? !
4 It is not a rhetorical question when I ask — should we really let our people starve so that we can pay our debts ’
5 Why should he really want to stay ?
6 I thought I could , I thought I could I really thought I could but oh God I 'd be okay if I could
7 But what could I really have done about it , anyway ?
8 Could you really do that ? ’
9 Even if you love gardening could you really cope with a total of 200 feet of garden ?
10 ‘ Once I 'd begun to make love to you , could you really have asked me to stop ? ’
11 How could you really have witnessed that ? and when I say that finally I want to talk about terrier men because basically they 're the people who 've ruined your sport the terrier men are illegal , the terrier men are doing something that is definitely illegal in this country .
12 [ How far away could you really see bloody Arthur 's Seat ?
13 Could you really survive on twenty four pounds a week or whatever the benefits would be .
14 Could you really address Princess Diana as ‘ Your Royal Highness ’ after hearing her babble on for 20 minutes to a man who calls her Squidgy ?
15 Once you abandoned the theorist 's armchair and his gloomy study and actually got out there among living tribesmen , then and only then could you really understand what was going on .
16 Could she really disregard that side of his nature which was so repellent to her ?
17 Could she really countenance spending a night of long dark hours in this ruin , a ruin whose sole purpose was the gathering of ghosts ?
18 Was it paranoia or could she really feel someone closing in on her ?
19 If taken for a hybrid , could she really fool a Stealer brood , or their Patriarch , over a period of time ?
20 Only then could she really afford to relax .
21 He had changed his clothes , his hair , his moustache and his expression , but could she really believe that he had changed his most secret thoughts and beliefs ?
22 Could she really have been reading that ? he wondered , looking around for the novel stuffed behind a cushion .
23 Could she really take his cock up there .
24 Nor could one really compare a sacred and honourable estate like marriage to a relationship with a cat .
25 Could one really put one 's hand on one 's heart and swear that the Ponting case would not have happened if Harold Wilson had been Prime Minister ?
26 Given their straitened horizons , and their own abnormality , how could they really think in terms of something as being significantly abnormal ?
27 Freire wanted to bring people to a critical awareness of their real situation in the socio-economic context , only then could they really learn and understand .
28 How much grey sunlight could he really stand ?
29 Could he really change , he wondered ?
30 And since whatever happened he would have to take the London train , could he really expose her — a woman who had one child and so could surely have another — to the risk of her own fertility ?
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