Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] from a " in BNC.

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1 The duties of a trustee may be indefinitely varied by the terms of the instrument which creates the trust , and may range from a mere duty to make a legal conveyance to the beneficiary at his request , and in the meantime to permit him to possess and enjoy the property , to extensive and onerous duties of management , sale , investment , and application of capital and income .
2 They may range from a brief mention of a thirteenth-century tithe barn near the manor house , to a fully detailed true-to-scale plan of a building as it existed in earlier times , but which is now changed .
3 For the searcher who goes on and comes to believe , this is the only possible starting point — a sense of need which may range from a mild discomfort to a deep conviction , but which spurs him to look for a solution beyond himself .
4 The opacity of water may arise from a variety of materials in suspension , and samples from different sources may be equally opaque but contain widely varying weights of solid matter .
5 The misunderstanding that good medicine and good science are in conflict ( or worse , that there is a clash between compassion and science ) may arise from a failure to distinguish medical trials from human biological research that is neither preventive nor therapeutic .
6 A further reason for taxpayers believing that the burden of taxation is higher than it actually is may arise from a failure to understand the method of collection of income tax .
7 ( Gladstone 's dress , Housman 's fashion and Marsh 's livery have no obvious warrant in the Horatian text , but may arise from a common " poetic " idea of Nature as clothing . )
8 For others , the feeling of being trapped may arise from an early blueprint drawn up when they were literally helpless and unable to do anything about an intolerable situation or to get out of it on their own .
9 The problems that may arise from an individual pupil 's needs must also be addressed , and possible solutions proffered .
10 Static welfare losses that arise from departures from competition in output markets are set against longer-run , dynamic gains which may arise from an increase in the supply of innovations that come about in less than perfectly competitive markets .
11 The obligation may arise from an express term in the lease or may be implied by statute : e.g. the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 , ss. 11 and 12 , which require the landlord to repair the exterior and structure of premises , where the lease of a dwelling house is for less than seven years .
12 The request must emanate from a ‘ judicial authority ’ , but there is no definition of this expression .
13 When the seaman Peters , a thief and later a mutineer , protests against the commuting of the death sentence to the disgrace of being flogged round the fleet , Marryat as author finds it a matter for critical comment that the members of the court-martial are clearly surprised that a mere seaman should act from a sense of honour :
14 The committee was seriously convinced of the benefits that must result from an institution to cultivate and teach veterinary medicine ; the object of this committee 's concern , and that of Vial , were one and the same ; and it was greatly to be desired that the two plans — that of the Odiham Agricultural Society and that of Vial — ( which may be termed the Alfort plan ) should be consolidated into one .
15 However , translators with different linguistic backgrounds should benefit from a brief exposure to both points of view .
16 I did n't think it was the sort of behaviour one should expect from a Director of Coaching .
17 The other mechanical properties of wood are very much what we should expect from a bundle of tubes or fibres .
18 We have often heard our prime Minister say : ‘ We must negotiate from a position of strength . ’
19 However , in Mayne Nickless v Solomon [ 1980 ] Qd R 171 , the court held that the mistake must appear from a reading of the decision and not from cross-examination of the valuer .
20 Graeme Souness 's men must recover from a 4–2 first-leg Cup Winners ' Cup defeat against Russian champions Spartak Moscow in front of a sell-out 38,000 Anfield crowd .
21 The Examination Council came into being some erm nine months ago and has already been involved in quite a lot of activity , I mean particularly the erm problem of sixteen-plus examining , whether we should move from a system of erm O-levels and C S E , or to a combined system , Sixteen-plus Examination it would probably be called .
22 The design of the man-machine interface must develop from an understanding of how the man is expected to interact with the machine and correspondingly the design of selection , allocation and training schemes depends on knowing what is required of the operator .
23 One lecturer , asked what he thought students should gain from an English degree , said :
24 Our proposals were that SERPS should be abolished and that the second pension should come from a variety of new options in the private sector which we would make available .
25 But the department spokesman said the money should come from a community care grant to local authorities for the mentally ill .
26 I appeal to the Minister to give at least some consideration to how far the environmental statement should come from a neutral source rather than from the promoters .
27 They vividly recorded the perplexed reactions of evacuees , from one woman 's uneasy comment , ‘ there 's too much grass about ’ , to the London boy who was horrified that milk should come from a dirty cow and not a clean bottle .
28 The rule 's important , but it should come from a need of the child rather than be imposed at some arbitrary time when the teacher thinks that all the children are ready for that rule .
29 It all remains rather vague and some clarity should come from an examination of the actual backgrounds and domestic circumstances of black youth in sport .
30 He must find a priceless vase but more importantly he must escape from a planet of bizarre alien women with earthly desires !
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