Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] if [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Tail arched and bristled This is the signal of a defensive cat , but one that may attack if provoked further .
2 As part of the co-ordination role , the engagement team should consider if suggested drafting amendments to documents will cause subsequent verification difficulties .
3 Major battery manufacturers immediately expressed concern , arguing that only specially-designed nickel-cadmium batteries were suitable for recharging , and that ordinary alkaline or zinc chloride batteries might explode if subjected to it .
4 To overcome this barrier , I suggest , one must look at the approach in action ; only then will it be possible to see what it has achieved , and to assess what it might achieve if taken on its own terms .
5 Directly below this arm , also emerging from one of the circular indents on the midriff , was the gun , suggesting each circle was a panel behind which lay other implements the Dalek might use if required .
6 In The Observer , a normally wise and balanced political commentator outlined a vision of what the English countryside might become if abandoned to nature , which was like something out of a Dark Ages bestiary , a nightmarish waste of swamp and scrub , thick with rats , disease and the remains of derelict farm machinery .
7 In case anyone thinks this was unnecessarily drastic , I did in fact leave them for a couple of hours to see if they would come out of their own accord — but they did n't , and I was concerned that they might starve if left to their own devices .
8 Mr. Brittan 's statement of October 1983 made clear the division of the decision-making process into two parts , the ‘ tariff ’ period to meet the purposes of retribution and deterrence which the Secretary of State decides on the advice of the judges ; a review towards the end of that period by the local review committee ; and after the end of the tariff period , a possible further period , if the Secretary of State on the advice of the local review committee and the Parole Board decides that the prisoner 's continued detention is necessary because of the danger he might pose if released , and to maintain public confidence in the system .
9 We walked no further on the trackbed itself , because on the first walk the owner of the land here had gently but firmly expressed the view that his fences might suffer if climbed over .
10 The bay shows signs that she 'll kick if ignored for much longer .
11 The solicitor made notes and promised to do all that he could to help if contacted .
12 Sir : I agree with Jonathan Glancey when he says , in your welcome new Architecture page , that ‘ the British public needs … to be shown what a city street such as Hammersmith Road could become if built by the best architects and developers ’ .
13 Second , the British public needs to see exactly what good modern architecture is , to be shown what a city street such as Hammersmith Road could become if served by the best architects and developers .
14 When I see a woman in a long , tight , pencil skirt and high heels tottering down the road , I often wonder how fast she could run if chased .
15 One section , eastwards from Ratho for about a mile , has been improved and is well-used by walkers and cyclists — it shows the potential the whole route could have if upgraded .
16 POLICE gave warning yesterday that a scientific instrument in a car stolen in Lanarkshire , could blind if handled the wrong way .
17 Mark could bite If upset — and of course he was quite right , she should n't pry into what was none of her business .
18 If you want to head off into the higher mountains , cross-country skiing is n't the best sport for children : the effort , though not strenuous , is constant , and children under ten could tire if asked to ski for longer than a half-day .
19 The drugs stolen include an ampoule of adrenalin , which could kill if injected , a police spokesman warned .
20 Comparison with CPRE statistics suggests that the effectiveness of this method may decrease if used without a break .
21 The possibility that the contents of the dialysis bag may change if suspended in a solution mimicking diarrhoeal stool water was also examined .
22 Plastic Lunch boxes , food storage containers , etc , may melt if stacked close to the heating elements .
23 However , standing at the top of a ladder with a hot air gun is not funny when the weather is freezing cold , and a better answer is the hot towel treatment , especially with plastic waste pipes , which may melt if heated too much .
24 The explosions were dull and heavy ; the sort of noise that an expensive carpet would make if thrown onto a road from a balcony .
25 Baldwin encouraged it to do so — by inviting an unacceptable resolution , by promoting a secret ballot , and letting it be known that he would resign if defeated .
26 We have already considered the horse 's needs , which gives us insight as to how it would feel if deprived of them .
27 But now he wanted to see what she would do if left to solve the problem herself .
28 Indeed , one might wonder how the same basic story line would look if supplemented with those evaluative devices .
29 Because of the scale of its command over resources , the government can spread its risks over many projects and so is justified in undertaking more investment in research and development than would occur if left to the private sector .
30 Of the thousand-plus programmes I must have taken part in during those years I remember very little , and those mostly trivial things : Thor Heyerdahl the Norwegian explorer arriving half an hour late from Broadcasting House because the taxi driver sent to fetch him understood he had been told to pick up four airedales ( a reasonable enough request , he reckoned , from the BBC ) ; the maverick film director Ken Russell whacking Alexander Walker , the Evening Standard film critic , over the head with a copy of his own paper ; Norman St John Stevas , MP ( now Lord St John of Fawsley ) winking at a cameraman who had had the stars and stripes sewn on to the bottom of his jeans ; Enoch Powell 's eyes filling with tears when I asked if he was an emotional man ; A. J. P. Taylor on his seventy-fifth birthday admitting he had never been offered an honour and when I asked him which he would like if given the choice , his replying , ‘ A baronetcy , because it would make my elder son so dreadfully annoyed . ’
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