Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] the time " in BNC.

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31 I was surprised she could spare the time in the middle of an election campaign and concluded it was genuinely urgent .
32 Just the way you once wished it could when you were regretting the good old days when a man could keep his unsuitable mistress hidden away , knowing she 'd be there waiting upon his pleasure , whenever he felt the urge and could spare the time to see her .
33 She could spare the time for France .
34 She could remember the times when she had patronisingly tried to include some wallflower into a party , inwardly breathing a sigh of relief that she was n't like that .
35 He could remember that there was an age for puppets and magic , just as he could remember the time that he 'd spent trying to fan a deck of cards or sitting in front of a mirror trying to get the hard consonants down like a real ventriloquist .
36 She glimpsed him through the glass walls of his studio as she walked past , his watch nailed to a tree so that he could see the time .
37 Are n't there more important things in my life that I could spend the time on that is currently taken up with exercise ? ’
38 Rigor mortis was notoriously unreliable , and if he wanted an alibi for himself , Kerrison could shift the time of death by up to an hour without suspicion .
39 So many problems , worries and woes can be sorted out if only you 'd take the time to sit down and talk things through .
40 I just thought I 'd find out if I could have the time off — in case . ’
41 The chances are it was something like four to six weeks , if they could take the time off from household chores .
42 This latter would be handed a bus pass and a deck chair , and could pass the time wondering to their hearts ' content why the hell they were there .
43 I could change the times on Monday a bit .
44 Since John 's abduction I had kept a diary , hoping somehow that I could capture the time John was missing , to keep things from fading so that I could share them with him when he came back .
45 With a water-clock inside the tower and sundials outside , visitors could observe the time both by day and by night and also when the sky was cloudy as well as when it was clear .
46 Sure , there are no working clocks in the entire flat , just one lively broken green thing that ticks happily as if it could tell the time , though the second hand only pulses and stays in one place .
47 He suggested several ways in which a group such as the Club could reduce the time members have to spend trying to keep up-to-date with the latest developments .
48 ‘ I need some sleep , ’ he said , hoping he could get the time he wanted .
49 Heiko Bleher — he 's done things I wish I could find the time to do .
50 I have enclosed a copy and would be most grateful if you could find the time to scan through it to see if I have made any errors of fact or tactics .
51 An increase in temperature may halve the time but the total energy cost may increase .
52 This request for information provides a direction for the conversational fragment , so that we are considering speech with some purpose and not just social chat used to pass the time .
53 They used to pass the time being cruel to the poor , gambling , whoring and indulging in most other perversions you could care to name . ’
54 He also had another er , what we call a journey waybill and that , he used to record on there at each termini he used to record the time and the ticket numbers that he 'd got in his rack at that particular time , so it could be seen between certain times that a ticket perhaps was sold between Witton and Rushmere Heath .
55 ‘ She used to read The Times from cover to cover .
56 When contracts were exchanged , the conditions of sale would stipulate the time for the delivery of an abstract and thereafter the time for the raising of requisitions upon it .
57 There would be those who drifted in and would use the time to make up their minds .
58 A counter-argument might be that standing rules are just one mechanism for weeding out hopeless or frivolous cases at an early stage and protecting government bodies ( rightly or wrongly ) from harassment by ‘ professional litigants ’ ( who else would expend the time and resources necessary to mount a hopeless case ? ) meddling in matters which do not really concern them .
59 For all her life , Beth would cherish the time they had had together , and she would always regret their parting , and yet , and yet , he was a scoundrel of the worst kind .
60 With the best will in the world I can not imagine that a meat man would have the time , or that an un-horsy policeman would risk life and limb to scrub the mud from the hooves of every animal which roughly fits the description of a stolen one .
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