Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adj -er] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Christian Aid does support it in some places , and perhaps should look harder for others .
2 These principles should become clearer with their application in parts two , three , and four , below .
3 HANDLING the payment of wages and benefits should become easier for Courtaulds US businesses this year .
4 Evidently Anselm judged that he could not make his excommunication of the king effective if he stayed in Lyons , and he must move nearer to the scene of action .
5 These factors must bulk larger in the explanation of depopulation than the sixteenth-century writers ' scapegoat , the rapacious landlords .
6 And erm you 'll get should get happier with that .
7 So er he 'll feel better on Sunday so er
8 ‘ I 'll feel better about all this if I know you 've got it . ’
9 we 'll feel better about ours .
10 You 'll feel better for some fresh air . ’
11 Get 'em off your chest ; you 'll feel better for it and I 've a broad back . "
12 Yeah , you 'll feel better for it though
13 You 'll feel better for it .
14 ‘ You 'll feel better in the morning … or less dreadful . ’
15 You 'll feel better in a min . ’
16 You 'll feel better in a couple of days .
17 I 'll feel better in a minute , but I just ca n't imagine why she dislikes me so . ’
18 I feel a bit jaded right now , but I 'll feel better after a meal and a hot bath . ’
19 Temperatures will be much the same as last night — five celsius , forty one fahrenheit , but it 'll feel chillier in a brisk southeasterly breeze .
20 She began to diet , thinking that if she were slimmer , she might feel better about herself .
21 This might work better for me than his lying in a darkened room , which was what he really needed to do .
22 Money-Go-Round : BES might look better with Labour
23 On the other hand , a picture destined for a drawing or sitting room might look better with a gold frame or a wooden one that complements the room .
24 I 'll get you so you wo n't even recognise your own body but after we 've done it you 'll be grateful to me that I made you do it and you 'll enjoy it and you 'll get better at it and one day you 'll thank me for doing this to you .
25 I 'll get better at this as I get more practice .
26 ‘ It 'll get better in time , ’ she said , although even as she spoke , she knew that in ha own case it would never get better .
27 An old fragrance that 's past its prime will become oily , strong-smelling , and may look darker in colour .
28 The implication of this strong argument is that it may become cheaper in straightforward labour cost terms at the level of the economy to pay some people to stay at home while automated machinery produces the goods and services .
29 Tenure differences may become sharper in time as the proportion of households in each tenure changes .
30 The destiny of another big race at this course , the Cesarewitch on 21 October , may become clearer after the performace of Beekman Street ( 1.30 ) .
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