Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [noun prp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Some of you may know Ivan already .
2 She must know Nigel well , thought Juliet , watching them and feeling excluded .
3 Kierkegaard interpreted the parable to mean that we should trust God unconditionally .
4 It 's an excellent idea , and sadly one that only custom builders — and one must include Jackson here , as Jackson include the feature on their ‘ custom ’ guitars — seem to have the time to implement properly .
5 She insists that we should see God primarily as all loving , and claims that ‘ ’ Love is his meaning'' and that we are all enfolded in that love .
6 He thought , I must keep Marcus away from this high-temperature religiosity , it will waste his time .
7 I must see Daphne today .
8 It is appropriate that , through the medium of Medau News , we should thank Rita very warmly indeed for all the dedicated work she has done for the Society .
9 Theo should try Balzac again , he thought — Père Goriot , for instance .
10 Never mind the inconsistencies of using the tools of free trade to secure human rights ( nobody is trying to deprive Iraq , for instance , of its MFN status ) : Congress thinks China should have MFN only if it treats its people better .
11 ‘ Then I must take Donald home . ’
12 Paradoxically , Labour should wish Major well in all his efforts to get Britain out of recession and to decrease unemployment , as this will unleash other pressures that could help the party .
13 ‘ I think you should take Darius home .
14 Taylor believes he must protect Gascoigne just at a time when he seems to have shaken off the horrific knee injury that has kept him out of football for 17 months .
15 It was unthinkable that they should leave Fenella here at the mercy of the giants .
16 ‘ He says you should leave Masailand now .
17 Suppose they should encounter Lotta again ?
18 They must carbon-date it and put it under the microscope , and we must examine Aziz carefully and get him to say where he found it .
19 They say that ‘ nothing happens to the bad ‘ uns ’ , but it seemed unbelievable that misfortune should strike Arthur yet again directly after his triumphs at the Horse of The Year Show .
20 ‘ That I should fail Undry so ! ’
21 In a secret notebook , the 15-year-old girl wrote of the mischievous 12-year-old : ‘ I must love James more . ’
22 ‘ You should interview Chamorro instead . ’
23 On Friday Daaé must sing Margarita again .
24 But they must find Shetland pretty inhospitable , with no trees to support the grubs which is their normal diet .
25 he says that we should say God please forgive us as we forgive others .
26 You should really , you should find Jim tonight and record yourself
27 It 'll make Matthew really jealous . ’
28 I think I 'll make Mr positively the last one before lunch .
29 Almost as critical as the prospect of another ‘ smoking bimbo ’ popping out of the Clinton closet is the probable wild-card candidacy of the pint-sized , populist , anti-politics Texas billionaire , H. Ross Perot , who might hurt Bush harder than he would hurt Clinton .
30 She wants me to go to the theatre though , I do n't think she 'll enjoy Chekhov very much .
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