Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ca n't think why someone such as yourself should want to marry me , ’ Ellie said eventually .
2 ‘ If you should want to contact me , my number is Oldfield 214 .
3 PAMELA : Sir , I am so well satisfied with Mr. Belville 's affection for me and his well-known honour that I can not think myself obliged to any gentleman who should endeavour to give me a less opinion of either .
4 ‘ You should 've sent me to a decent school , ’ said Camille .
5 You should 've phoned me up .
6 You should 've seen me marching home .
7 With a great clean sound , reasonable amounts of crunch and buckets-full of sustain , The Attax preamp should 've had me jumping about in praise .
8 Thoroughly annoyed me because I 'd er every year when I 'd paid my tax I 'd pay my er national insurance and as far I 'm concerned that should 've entitled me .
9 ‘ And you must remember to call me Isabel . ’
10 You must stop treating me like a naughty girlfriend , for I am neither the one nor the other .
11 ‘ Then you must try to tell me . ’
12 The situation should have made me totally miserable , but at first it did not — at least , not in any overt or lasting fashion .
13 ‘ I do n't know why you should have led me to believe he was some kind of old buffer . ’
14 You should have believed me .
15 It is n't fair , come to that , that you should have to support me . "
16 You should have summoned me at once . ’
17 ‘ I 'm sorry , you should have stopped me .
18 The journey should have prepared me .
19 I was called ‘ Aspel ’ throughout , which should have prepared me .
20 You should have prepared me better . ’
21 ‘ You should have shot me .
22 Let's hope he or she cares about you enough to say , ‘ You know you should have called me earlier-you must have been holding this in for days ! ’
23 You should have called me . ’
24 You should have called me , Sister ! ’
25 If , on the other hand , God should have ordained for me thus , miserable and wretched as I am , and should have called me by His grace to sit solitary and serve him in that manner , as he deigns to grant to me , shall I not persevere in that calling ?
26 The arrival of Deacon Billingsley should have given me the satisfaction that my telephone call had been treated seriously , but I sensed this policeman was not going to offer me any satisfaction at all .
27 ‘ My God , they should have given me an Oscar .
28 But if I was integrating a sine , it would have come from a cos and the cos should have given me a minus sine .
29 Well you should have invited me round and I could have been the guy .
30 That should have alerted me to the fact that Dr Tom Courtney was not as he seemed .
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