Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One could imagine a ‘ price pause ’ for a limited time ; but after that — is there something familiar about all this ? — one would have to start discovering which prices ought to rise and which ought to fall to offset them , and this is just what we want a commission to do for us because we pretend that we do n't know how to do it for ourselves .
2 ‘ I think — I think you ought to go to see her , sir . ’
3 If not you may be able to get legal help through a law centre , or you may prefer to consult your own solicitor , if you have one already , or a local firm recommended by a friend or colleague .
4 They may prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection may cause offence or may prolong the sales interaction .
5 Rather than let their cottages become occupied by potential sitting tenants , some farmers may prefer to let them to anyone but their own employees .
6 Under some circumstances a face-to-face interaction is preferred but , in others , for a variety of different reasons , the individual may prefer to conduct his transaction in writing .
7 Many people when they have something to discuss may prefer to take it outside their family group to an old friend or a trusted adviser .
8 But logical or not , the 5TH is certainly complicated — as the most respectable of its apologists admit , though they may prefer to call it " sophisticated " and will refrain from giving a full and candid account of the intricacies of its operation .
9 They may prefer to believe themselves to be special and different in their primary addictions rather than part of a wider group of sufferers from addictive disease .
10 However , the risks involved in profit maximisation may be unacceptable to managers who may prefer to safeguard their position by reducing competition through takeovers instead of maximising profits by competition .
11 Sometimes such material is simply tipped-in or stuck down on a blank ; the professional may prefer to inlay it on paper to match the size of the volume , which will often be fairly large .
12 Even if you are a very small business or taking on domestic staff you should write a job specification , although you may prefer to make it a more informal list of everything the job entails .
13 Since wars involve others than those who face battle , that overwhelming majority who may prefer to have nothing at all to do with war , they can not , and should not , be omitted from any modern consideration of the subject .
14 You may prefer to discourage your dog from sleeping on the furniture even while it is a puppy .
15 Some transracial adopters may prefer to isolate themselves from the cultural background and ethnic origin of their child because it is easier in the short run to escape conflicts .
16 You may want to choose one with a reflective strip incorporated into the design .
17 Now you may want to leave everything to your surviving spouse and then on to the children , that 's natural .
18 Well , yes they may want to do something about it , but they may be just too scared to give any details which would lead to something being done about it , I mean things can be done about it , but only if the child wants them done .
19 For example , the two competing public interests in employment cases are : ( a ) a person should be held to his promise ; and ( b ) every person should be free to exercise his skill and experience to the best advantage of himself and of those who may want to employ him ( see Lord Atkinson in Morris ( Herbert ) v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 ) .
20 You may want to take your dog out earlier than normal if it is difficult to find a quiet spot .
21 In the meantime , of course , the holders of the bonds may want to sell them .
22 Well they may want to lead it themselves and actually
23 You may want to use it to chop through modest-sized tree and bush roots so an effective , labour-saving cutting edge is a must .
24 You may want to instruct him to say each pair twice all the way through , without you having to ask for a repeat each time .
25 ‘ Maybe now after 20 years that person may want to relieve his or her conscience and help put me and my husband out of our misery by coming forward .
26 There will be times when you may want to tailor your style of play to fight particular opponents .
27 Closet countrysiders may want to pretend their patch is actually a corner of some Sussex meadow and picture it swagged with honeysuckle and waving with ox-eye daisies and scabious .
28 Private agencies generally specialize in clerical and secretarial work and may want to test your speeds , so be prepared for this .
29 If you are confronted with an aggressively rude interviewer who makes the interview very stressful you may want to ask yourself whether you could possibly be happy working in such an atmosphere anyway .
30 But if you have that information you may want to confirm it 's right .
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