Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] do [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hobbies , learning , the new role itself , more available time to spend with family and friends may effectively do this .
2 Another method is to give the baby a small amount of boiled water from a bottle before the morning feed , so that it feels full more quickly , or to feed from one breast only — this will tend to reduce your supply of milk overall , so you should only do this if you know your milk is plentiful .
3 So you think , and so people must like do this , and then phone back , I 'm sure it 's not just me , because I ca n't be that thick .
4 " We should always do all we can to improve local facilities and the ease of getting to them on foot or by bicycle , " said Sir George Young , Minister of Housing and Planning .
5 I understand the various accou er professional bodies in the accountancy industry are in fact doing that but I think the government should also do that because it is not just the probity of financial institutions we are concerned about , it is also er the auditing of other commercial concerns and it seems to be that in this case the public interest has taken second place to the government 's wish to do as little as possible , yet again the minister said in the debate that if we were to do anything further in response to a question put by my honourable friend the member for Grimsby , it would need legislation , primary legislation .
6 You should also do this if you are renting ; you are still proposing to enter into a contract with someone .
7 But I should probably do that when I can come and see you and show you where it
8 You should never do that .
9 In the meantime , you should quietly do all you can to help her to feel a part of the life of your local community .
10 It may often be advisable to have essential reference material produced in print to accompany the recording , and you should certainly do this with any handouts the speaker distributes .
11 She must never do that .
12 you must never do that
13 She must never do this .
14 Oh you should definitely do that , I mean
15 Well , let's just do let's just do two more and see if the As can can catch up and then we 'll carry it on I have n't finished yet , we 'll carry the game on and remember the score .
16 ‘ I may just do that — I 'm going to call the Consul General right now ! ’
17 ‘ In that case , I may just do that . ’
18 Thirty miles an hour , keep going for an hour you 'll only do thirty .
19 We 'll best do that with good strong images ; by intriguing them , by creating tense dramatic moments .
20 They did n't what he 's done , he 's thought well I 'll just do that and incorporate the sink in it .
21 yeah okay , I 'll just do that
22 I mean they 'll do nothing about sex , they 'll just do all about morals , wo n't they , and decent , respectable people I 'd say and biology 's just cold and clinical .
23 I 'll just do one picture .
24 And that 's about What what what it is is they 've just someone 's asked me if I 'll just do some recordings of some of the lessons .
25 No he said , and I went over and I picked him up anyway , and sat him on , I sat him on my knee and I said we 'll just do some rhymes and I could feel him sort of going mm , mm , mm , like they do all pathetic and whiny , anyway Phyllis arrived and afterwards it was , by then he had calmed down and he was fine and I said wan na read the story now cos he missed it of course when he decided he could n't do without his car , so I said next week perhaps come without your car , I think I 'd won him over by the end but , it was a bit hairy .
26 Right well we 'll just do this then you can have a go on the computer .
27 Um now um getting on to the next bit of the handout erm I 'll just do this next couple of paragraphs and then and then it 'll be time for a break for ten minutes or so .
28 Ah , number four , interesting one this , actually we did have a few er , mishaps on number four , employed client twenty four thousand , I 'll just do this one on the board , I think it might be an idea .
29 I 'll just do this crossword .
30 I 'll just do half of this and then eat it .
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