Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand , and shalt be for frontlets between thine eyes .
2 Both strategies have their place and it should be for teachers to determine the balance appropriate to their situation and the needs of their pupils .
3 Although written testing is still in common use , ( and it is appropriate that it should be for outcomes which are knowledge-based ) , other instruments such as projects , case studies and assignments were commonly used too .
4 It must be for murderers , she thought , and smiled at the house .
5 First , the term ‘ national security is no stranger to us ’ and was used often in statutes without being defined or restricted as to its meaning , with Parliament always accepting that ‘ decisions about questions of national security must be for Ministers ’ .
6 At a national level one can only imagine what the development consequences might be for countries with already declining or collapsing economies .
7 Here , as in his other earlier works , he tends to follow Roman models with plenty of ensembles and short instrumental pieces , e.g. Act I opens with a sinfonia infernale and includes two chiamate , one marked alla caccia , which could be for horns .
8 Nor is it the knowledge that Foxton , a haunt of foxes even in Saxon times , is a meeting place among others of one of the great Leicestershire Hunts , the Fernie , however important a cause that may be for assemblies of motorists in the county .
9 ( 6 ) A tender offer must be for cash whereas a partial offer may be for securities of the offeror .
10 Satisfactory though casing may be for books which a careless age does not expect to be long-lived , it can not compare in craftsmanship and durability with the old method properly practised .
11 Among the free churches there is no set system of redundancy procedure as there is for the Anglican Church , so that it may be for officials from the local congregation to decide if and how to dispose of vacant church property .
12 It is vital that all external constraints are known at this stage , otherwise all the short-listed options may be for bridges when , for environmental reasons or because of the proximity of an airport , only a tunnel is possible .
13 C1 was to be a two-year course for 16-plus school-leavers with suitable qualifications , leading to a certificate or diploma comparable in status to an OND , while C2 would normally be of two years ' duration and would be for students not so highly qualified or well-motivated as those taking C1 courses .
14 How much better it would be for ministers to be seen in the constituencies giving us the ammunition we need to fight on the doorsteps . ’
15 Future funding from the Board to law centres would be for cases done under the green forms and legal aid schemes , including any new arrangements that might be developed , ‘ and possibly grants for specific types of work where the law centres could demonstrate that they would provide a better and more efficient service in ways that did not lend themselves to payment on a case by case basis . ’
16 Stuart said ICL would be concentrating on SVR4.2 on Intel platforms , anticipating that its greatest impact would be for companies looking to implement true client/server installations , with SVR4.2 at both the client and server ends .
17 Again , the aim would be for employers to back this decision with the offer of future employment once the education or training course had been completed .
18 The second , and potentially more successful development , would be for Colleges to recognise the need for accurate information about costs , so that shortfalls in finance could be identified and addressed .
19 A more certain course , in such a case , would be for instructions to be given pursuant to the breach of the peace powers , and a prosecution for obstruction of the constable in the execution of his duty in the event of non-compliance .
20 As indicated in the recent guidelines of the Department of Health and Social Security ( 1984 ) , a sensible approach towards establishing comprehensive services would be for clinicians in each area to set up a service which most suits local conditions and needs .
21 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
22 The nursery would be for children between two and four years old .
23 An alternative would be for patients to keep a daily record of their food .
24 The only protection would be for neighbours to use different channels or to fit filters .
25 The rest of the journey was an anticlimax by comparison , as it would be for passengers approaching Perth from the Pacific .
26 The Watchfield camp would be for travellers passing through the area .
27 The first step towards such a combination would be for universities and polytechnics to demonstrate their interest in using graded test results as either a part or the whole of entry qualifications .
28 The goods will be his , he will not be able to reject them ( because he will have ‘ accepted ’ them , section 35 , paragraph 13–03 below ) and his only claim will be for damages .
29 If that is so , the easiest way out of this battle of the sexes will be for firms to let employees opt out of the company scheme and use their money to buy a private pension .
30 If it is , it will be for reasons to do with overall levels of sentencing for many sorts of crimes , not merely those related to drugs .
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