Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 The cry should have been for real money , the only means by which genuine choice can be exercised and discrimination on the basis of age eliminated .
2 It was short and straight , which was more than could be said for her mouth , which was curvy and rather wider than it should have been for her ashen , wedge-shaped face .
3 So , I think that in the opinion of Miller the family was the most important thing for B. and should have been for Eddie and all parents , but the priority for Catherine was her own life and I think that as far as Miller is concerned she is right , because she has a whole future ahead of her while B. and Eddie have settled down .
4 We have seen what a struggle it must have been for men in the late 18th century to keep body and soul together — how much worse , then , for their womenfolk .
5 What a tragedy that must have been for them all .
6 Cecilia reflected on how massive the explosion must have been for her and that beautiful girl to have heard it up here in West Hampstead .
7 There is a display also of various types of mountain refuge or cabin , from which you can judge how extremely uncomfortable it must have been for those invited by Count Russell to share his quarters on his favourite mountain of Vignemale , for the so-called ‘ Russell ’ is quite the most Spartan of shelters , little more than a hollow scooped out under an overhanging rock .
8 It must have been for myself as much as any other that I issued that warning : It might be all too easy to take a wrong path !
9 He could even appreciate how tricky a situation this must have been for the DIA , although it did little to ease his sense of injury .
10 We did not appreciate at the time what a wrench leaving the Weir House must have been for him , nor the difficulty he had in adjusting himself to four assertive stepsons he hardly knew .
11 It was brought home to Charles for the first time how much of a strain the last weeks must have been for a girl of her age .
12 How it must have been for our Stone Age grandmothers — swell , oh , oh , pop , look , a little one — oh , it 's dead — oh , I 'm dying , dying ; dead !
13 He drew her close again and they fell silent , Rachel reflecting on how hard it must have been for David not to have told her what had really happened between himself and her sister , then another thought struck her .
14 Intuitively she felt the depths of the anguish he 'd suffered , knew without having to be told how hard he had struggled to help his sister , understood how devastating it must have been for him to realise she 'd gone beyond his help .
15 I have no doubt that a major influence in forcing him to make what must have been for him a most distasteful and humiliating manoeuvre , was a letter sent by a number of Durham county councillors to a local newspaper in reply to an article penned by Mr Fallon in the previous week 's issue .
16 Must have been for Gail then .
17 So , that one must have been for abroad
18 In general this is all that you need to complete most documents , the only extra frames you 'll need are for images .
19 He 'll have been for his interview and for his wages in Calper today .
20 What little opportunity there might have been for careful integration , had been lost .
21 The ceremony will be a bitter-sweet reminder of what might have been for Princess Margaret , forbidden from marrying her divorced sweetheart Peter Townsend .
22 It might have been for her , but I thought she could have shown some gratitude , considering the work her stepmother and I had gone to .
23 No one knows what these carved objects might have been for , so perhaps they were n't for anything , but a heartening prehistoric example of art for art 's sake .
24 IT WAS a case of what might have been for Scottish trio Cathy Panton-Lewis , Julie Forbes and Gillian Stewart in the opening round of the Republic of China Open at Chang Gung in Taipei yesterday .
25 Yes , the difference of course is that in two day cricket you ca n't necessarily guarantee a result er and forcing wins was what we did n't quite manage to do , it was er it was a season of what might have been for the County Cricket Club er a very good season but not quite as successful as last year .
26 That might have been for very good environmental and health reasons .
27 And erm what I 'd like is for Dennis is to explain a little about how far we 've actually got with the C E D G approach to the introduction of I S O Nine Thousand .
28 On occasion , strong political interest could push a young man forward much more rapidly than could have been for the good of the service .
29 Nick Day , blinking blood , received a push that could have been for anybody , and went onto his knees .
30 The worst that could happen is for someone to suggest a ‘ magic ’ solution .
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