Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In most cases , there are insufficient surviving remains to make it worthwhile conserving the site for public display : if it has been fully excavated , all that may remain to be seen are , literally , a few depressions in the natural subsoil , even if what was excavated above was quite spectacular .
2 A biography of an artist is a tricky proposition for a writer , since the artist may prefer to be judged through art , not life ; the incidentals of an everyday activity , not altogether under the artist 's control , are rather unimportant compared to the artist 's concentrated effort to create paintings or sculpture .
3 They may prefer to be left alone and hate having to depend on others who are less capable than themselves .
4 Some may prefer to be given a global picture of what is involved in the task and then be allowed to fill in the details as they need them .
5 Some may prefer to be presented with a prescribed set of facts and skills , whilst others may learn best by being encouraged to discover things for themselves , often as solutions to problems .
6 If its speed of planning is uniform with that of others , the school may prefer to be cautious .
7 May want to be rubbed , massaged .
8 But remember that dreams and ambitions change as you get older , by his forties your high-flier may have turned into a slippers and spaniel man , and who knows , by then you may want to be PM .
9 Fellow PFK readers may want to be aware of this , should they be fortunate enough to find themselves in , or near , the principality .
10 You may want to be sure a certain heirloom — perhaps worth little financially — will be passed on to a particular person .
11 Claudia , you may want to be checkin' yer motor every minute or so .
12 It looks as if sex evolved because it 's in the interest of genes to constantly be re-combined self interest not always in company with the same others may want to be er mixing themselves up , so they launch themselves in continually different combinations , and this presumably each gene what , what , what is happening is a constant filtering process all the time , by means of which natural selection is working on basically random changes in the final point I want to make and that 's
13 I venture to add a few observations of my own only because I have to confess to having been a somewhat reluctant convert to the notion that the words which Parliament has chosen to use in a statute for the expression of its will may fall to be construed or modified by reference to what individual members of Parliament may have said in the course of debate or discussion preceding the passage of the Bill into law .
14 Yet such a comment may need to be made , nevertheless , to point out the quality of a picture .
15 Some plants may need to be moved to more suitable winter quarters .
16 Sometimes , because of the circumstances , termination of a pregnancy may need to be considered .
17 It may therefore be possible to reconcile the views of the opposing schools of thought by regarding global standardisation as the ultimate objective when substantial economies of scale are available but which may need to be modified in the context of the product concerned .
18 For instance , when the accountant produces the band 's first accounts , and files them with the Inland Revenue , the invoices for the band 's musical equipment may need to be produced so that the accountant may obtain tax relief for these items , although they were purchased in the first stage of a band 's life .
19 We therefore believe that greater reliance on the fast reactor is a necessary consequence of such restrictions and that the timescale for the large scale introduction of fast reactors may need to be brought forward .
20 Since nominal GDP growth is probably decelerating fast , the budget may need to be loose — which risks being misinterpreted by the headline-writers and the markets as the Tories going soft .
21 Unemployment may still be rising quite sharply ; underlying inflation will not be much lower than it is now ; sterling may need to be supported by a rise in interest rates .
22 It may need to be tailor-made , and therefore it 's best left to the experts .
23 As with external assessment in the primary phase , we believe that new methods of testing pupils ' reading skills may need to be devised , building on the best of GCSE practice .
24 17.18 All pupils should be expected to keep a file containing work in progress , as well as completed pieces , which may need to be selected and filed separately for the purposes of moderation and final assessment .
25 Chemical energy however is particularly easy to waste , through misuse or overuse , so levels of skill and control may need to be higher .
26 In places of special risk , such as hospital kitchens serving meals to the very old , the very young , or immuno-suppressive patients or the factory producing large quantities of cooked cold meats , disinfection may need to be more frequent .
27 However , if the Institute is going to plan for the needs of 2001 AD , the whole idea of space occupied by books may need to be revised .
28 Old Rottweilers may need to be let out more frequently to answer the call of nature , but for shorter periods .
29 Women , like men , may suffer moderate systemic upset , and any secondary bacterial infection may need to be treated with antibiotics .
30 Unfortunately , it has no effect on the larval stage in the eggs and further applications may need to be given to cope with the larvae as they hatch .
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