Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The minder may interject at times , but will allow a relationship to build up between the client and the trainee .
2 The best attested case is the temple complex west of the mansio at Godmanchester , though comparable examples may exist at Chelmsford and Water Newton .
3 Although patients with infarction may vomit at presentation or secondary to opiate administration , this usually settles with antiemetics and may not interfere with oral therapy .
4 He may act at times like a nasty prat , but he is still a legend .
5 Most opposition was produced , however , by the notion that the purpose of the workhouses was to " imprison " the poor , who " should range at liberty and be their own masters " .
6 It must remain at ease all the time or the task will become more difficult .
7 Anne Blencowe suggested that the man be allowed to keep his wage of eight pence per day , but that he should remain at home .
8 Secondly were Mrs White 's brother and sister-in-law who were reported earlier as saying at second interview that they thought she should remain at home ‘ if things keep as they 're going now , and she gets the services she 's getting ’ .
9 … the minimum rate should remain at £6 for pensioners and those not at work , but I think £20 is not too much for those in employment .
10 As an association we would prefer that no new stadium should be erected but that Hearts should remain at Tynecastle .
11 As an association we would prefer that no new stadium should be erected but that Hearts should remain at Tynecastle .
12 You know , you should stay at home and have at least eight babies — it 's incredibly difficult , I mean a lot of parents would disagree whole heartedly with what I tell the girls .
13 They are opposed to the suggestion that women with young children should stay at home rather than go to work , accept that women are still at a disadvantage when it comes to advancement at work , but they do n't think there should be more positive discrimination in women 's favour .
14 Yes , Joan is right — mothers should stay at home to look after their own children .
15 Similar attitudes were expressed during World War II , when the rapid decline in the birth rate gave additional force to the argument that married women should stay at home .
16 And I decided he was , should stay at home .
17 The English Tourist Board 's half of that erm is designed to persuade us , to persuade the British that erm is the year that we should discover Britain , this is the year that we should stay at home and take our holidays in the view of everything that 's happened , and in view of prices overseas .
18 The King , however , had ordered that his son should stay at Woodstock and , of course , where the Prince of Wales was , Gaveston his shadow always followed .
19 He wondered whether , before ordination , he should stay at Cambridge a little longer to do more advanced work .
20 The duchess flew into a rage when she was told that the Queen had person ally ruled that she and children Beatrice and Eugenie should stay at Wood Farm on the edge of salt marshes in the village of Wolferton , Norfolk .
21 Therefore Celia must stay at home .
22 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
23 My brother is not well and I feel I must stay at home .
24 For public consumption she would allow the marriage to continue but Charles must stay at Highgrove while she lived in Kensington Palace .
25 In view of the possibility of recovery from the aircraft owner you should seek at intimation the advice of HO Home Claims & Support .
26 20 years ago TV 'S Second Generation dance troupe were on stage at Darlington Civic Theatre while radio 's Mrs Dale , Jessie Matthews , was appearing in the Emlyn Williams thriller Night Must Fall at York Theatre Royal .
27 Clearly , this is a delicate subject and one which you and your partner should discuss at length , as it could mean that the survivor has to sell the property in order to fulfil the bequest .
28 I note that you suggest buses should wait at Livingston South station , thus permitting residents of Murieston an opportunity to change from trains from Edinburgh onto the services 304/306 .
29 ‘ Perhaps they are learning a little more about airmanship or the way they should behave at 40,000ft and above from the medical point of view .
30 The informal proletariat does not have the independence that control over means of production and labour power implies and must survive at subsistence level on casual wages .
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