Example sentences of "[modal v] [to-vb] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know , maybe we ought to give up work .
2 That 's where us used to go up night times when it was raining and that cold . ’
3 I used to come home , I used to go down there about , I used to start out away from the shop about er ten o'clock , half past ten , you see , in the morning and go down the Fen , call at then comes well I used to call on the first houses on the right the way down the Fen there I used to go down farm they used to call it , come back to and then on to you see .
4 It also contained a brief description of the 30 different social care services offered , the types of patient eligible to use them , and copies of the referral form and the form used to carry out core assessments .
5 eventually they went bankrupt , Florrie is an of mine , she used to work there part time and she always enjoyed it , she 's been there say twenty years , she just came back from holiday and found the place is closed down and none of for the past er fifteen months he 'd been there , that past fifteen months none of their part time staff had their stamps put on their cards , so for their , for their pension
6 ‘ I used to work back east , ’ he said .
7 They used to give us gum and sweets everything and the , they sometimes , the military police they used to come down town and they 'd be after deserters from Lichfield and
8 I used to wonder why father and grandfather never shot them , just to get rid of the fear . ’
9 His mouth gave a wry twist as he remembered an old lady in his home town who used to buy up sympathy cards by the dozen .
10 I Spare time as a school boy , I used to play either football in the winter or cricket in the summer .
11 AVON : David McConnell used to give away cologne as a come-on for his door-to-door book sales .
12 . My son used to Do n't shout at them mother , he said .
13 Children used to leave out hay for the kings ' horses and wake up to find it had mysteriously been replaced by presents .
14 For some reason I 'd thought I 'd be given just a sample in a small box — like those used to send out wedding cake .
15 And we used to have long skipping ropes too .
16 These three , of the five extant Lalande motet scores with timings , are thus the most significant and useful with respect to Lalande 's performance practice in ( 1 ) calculating quite precise speeds for most movements , ( 2 ) establishing others by reference to traditional proportions , and ( 3 ) facilitating comparisons of speeds established by such timings with the verbal indications so often used to denote both tempo and other performance directions in this repertory .
17 The buses used to start from their to Hampton , and there used to be a place where they would leave newspapers and they put , put a er box there by that and people used to take out newspaper and put the money into the box and er , you ca n't dream of that sort of thing now .
18 ‘ I used to throw away plastic razors all the time .
19 They were n't , one or two seemed to hang around that thing where they used to throw out food to them .
20 ‘ I wonder if I ought to take up weight-lifting . ’
21 They ought to hand out gear instead of ice cream to the kids ’
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