Example sentences of "[modal v] hardly see " in BNC.

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1 It was in its infancy in those days and I noticed that whenever David did a show for them , they dressed the set with every conceivable brightly coloured object , with the result you could hardly see him .
2 ‘ When I stood on the first tee in the morning I could hardly see the fairway , ’ said the Atherstone club-mate and friend of Paul Broadhurst , the Ryder Cup player .
3 Sometimes , particularly at night , the fug could be so thick you could hardly see from one end of the tram to the other .
4 She ended the first day with a headache so severe she could hardly see .
5 One such gillie , towards the end of his career , carried out his duties more by instinct than by reason : he had always been shortsighted , but , nearing retirement , he could hardly see his hand in front of his face .
6 perhaps this was because he could hardly see more than a yard in front of his face .
7 ‘ It was so dark I could hardly see where to put my cross on the voting slip — and then I could n't get to the ballot box which was situated in a poky little office .
8 By lunchtime the next day , her eyes were so sore and swollen that she could hardly see .
9 Luke picked up his whisky , his freckled hand was so big you could hardly see the glass .
10 Instead of Greece they went to Wyvis Hall because Adam was broke and Mary was close to broke because that first time it had been so beautiful and peaceful and private there that you could hardly see what advantages Greece would have had over it .
11 I could hardly see it , but it was enough to cause problems .
12 And then , very very slowly , so slowly she could hardly see it happening , the glass began to lean backwards , farther and farther and farther backwards until it was balancing on just one edge of its base .
13 Darkness whirled round her , and she could hardly see Fand any more ; only the spear-tip burned , like a dim flame .
14 Visibility was so poor that Defries could hardly see the runway in front of her .
15 So I really wanted to nail the bastard — preferably with the cooperation of my team-mates just to prove the point — but the fucking technology let me down and the gun jammed and he had me pinned , firing shot after shot at me , and finally I gave up trying to un-jam the gun and made to throw it at him though I could hardly see because there was yellow paint all over my visor , but he ducked and tripped and sat down on a trunk , holding his stomach , and the bastard was laughing his socks off because I looked like a giant dripping banana , only I 'd just realised the gun was n't jammed after all , the safety catch was on .
16 His hair was all over his face ; she could hardly see him .
17 Oliver could hardly see where he was going , but the Dodger seemed to know the way , and helped Oliver up .
18 She could hardly see them .
19 And the I could hardly see .
20 The hood was pulled up so that you could hardly see his head .
21 She was breathing so quietly I could hardly see the rise and fall of her breasts , and those lips of hers looking fuller than I remembered , the mouth wider , and the line of the teeth just showing very white .
22 She could hardly see where sea and sky met far away in the soft grey mistiness , but she let her mind wander out there and find ships and whales and foreign shores .
23 He could hardly see now , the increasing smoke and heat choking him and making his eyes water .
24 A crowd of tiny creatures , moving so fast that it could hardly see them , charged out from under the table and wrapped a length of old electricity wire around its outflung arms .
25 And when it daylight came the next day next morning you could hardly believe it you could hardly see Rousay for the foam that the gale kick up like a thick fog .
26 She would need such care and gentleness , and if it killed him he would give it to her , but the passion was raging in him until he could hardly see straight .
27 Anyway , it was a good job we did because these erm these grouse and these chickens , I mean , they were so blended in with the the , the roadside you could hardly see them , and then they moved .
28 They would put you on different jobs so you 'd hardly see one another .
29 ‘ She would hardly see him .
30 I can hardly see the things on the table in the corner .
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