Example sentences of "[modal v] hardly wait " in BNC.

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1 She could hardly wait .
2 It was almost at the end of surgery and it was almost as if the doctor were expecting me ; and later , I could hardly wait to tell Leo what had happened .
3 According to one report , people could hardly wait for the attack to start , and everybody wanted to be present at Britain 's impending defeat .
4 I could hardly wait to explore the city once more .
5 He could hardly wait for dinner-time when he would have the chance to speak to Evelyn .
6 Evelyn could hardly wait for dinner time so that she could say something to Jackie .
7 Back in the late 1940s , early 1950s , I remember my fishing mentor , the late Tom Kelly , Edinburgh , describing these wonderful , strange fish which displayed all the colours of the rainbow when they were caught ; and I could hardly wait to have a go .
8 I could hardly wait to get in those bars .
9 IN 1900 Tiller had an idea for a routine which excited him so much he could hardly wait to show it to the public .
10 Years later my mother could hardly wait for me to pass it on to her .
11 He had to admit he could hardly wait to see her again .
12 I could hardly wait , for example , to get my hands on the original ballpoint pen .
13 The occasional dinner party was a social duty ; they could hardly wait to get back to the seclusion of their own small house .
14 He came into the room with a broad grin on his face and could hardly wait to tell me that not only had he managed to approach several people at work and ask them questions , but that he had decided to put himself to the test over the last few days and had , in fact , gone up to complete strangers in the street to ask them the time .
15 It sounded such fun , I could hardly wait .
16 ‘ I take thee … to have and to hold … ’ was once thought of as the beginning of a romantic and loving vow , which women could hardly wait to take .
17 STUART RIPLEY could hardly wait to get back on the Ayresome Park pitch but , once there , was glad to get off again , writes David Alexander .
18 Those who hold the royal family dear could hardly wait for her downfall .
19 Once he frogmarched a knocker out of a press conference , although it transpired that he could hardly wait to see what the victim wrote next .
20 On the rare occasions when we went away for a fortnight — to my grandfather 's dank cottage on the Welsh border , land of the slate grey sky — I could hardly wait to get back and listen to the two-weeks ' worth of messages crammed on my answering machine .
21 Up to the day before I had hoped he would come with me at least as far as Perpignan , to see me on my way ; now there was no question of that , and indeed I could hardly wait to get away from him .
22 I could hardly wait to see him .
23 Nevertheless he always remained undaunted and could hardly wait for the winding up of his previous effort before starting to plan its successor .
24 You could hardly wait for dark
25 She had said , her eyes glittering with simulated enthusiasm , that she could hardly wait to get to her cottage , and Betty had said wistfully that it seemed like years since she had seen a blade of grass ( which was silly in itself , because of what else were the lawns of Hyde Park composed ? ) ; so Lydia , unhinged with the shock of bereavement , and further undone by wine , had said she could come too .
26 I could hardly wait until late evening when the beaches would be less crowded .
27 But he could hardly wait to get rid of Antony so that he could test it .
28 I could hardly wait to land .
29 She could hardly wait to start .
30 Sometimes Emmie woke feeling empty and lethargic as if everything had been drained out of her ; other mornings , she could hardly wait to get out of bed and begin the day .
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