Example sentences of "[modal v] almost certainly " in BNC.

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1 However , it should almost certainly be treated as an associated company and be equity-accounted in future .
2 The tiny minority worth as much as £40 should almost certainly be counted as yeomen .
3 Wherever the feather came from , it must almost certainly have been put in his room by someone who knew of his visit to the lake .
4 Krankoor must almost certainly have been another such .
5 The first phase must almost certainly involve the use of coercion and brutal methods ; the second phase need not rely upon such methods , but can use the methods of the market by introducing cheap goods with which to destroy petty-commodity or peasant production .
6 The zoologist J. Cloudsley-Thompson concludes that dinosaurs ‘ must almost certainly have been homeothermic . ’
7 Better-heeled artificers must almost certainly have been master craftsmen employing labour themselves .
8 If it does , we 'll almost certainly lose the mast , but we wo n't sink . ’
9 Next time you see that familiar mushroom cloud rearing up ( hopefully on your T.V. screen , not across the road ) , look at the base or stalk of the mushroom , and you 'll almost certainly see a ring of cloud rolling away horizontally from it .
10 ‘ There 's been a big improvement , and I 'll almost certainly be okay , ’ he revealed .
11 We 'll almost certainly die .
12 But if you leave your preparation until the last minute , you 'll almost certainly panic and reduce your chances of scoring high marks on the day .
13 ‘ We 'll almost certainly need them at Punta Arenas .
14 ‘ It 'll almost certainly mean a trip or two out there .
15 The Easter Road club have n't even scored against Hearts in their last five games and they 'll almost certainly face the new Hearts strikeforce of Mo Johnston and John Robertson tomorrow .
16 we 'll almost certainly erm use the contractor over there , the recognised contractor , both for supplying and servicing all our planes .
17 Ian is determined not to let her go , and even if they do n't get married they 'll almost certainly become lovers , which will make things extremely awkward . ’
18 If it can be managed they 'll almost certainly wind up at RAF Lyneham , and then taken to RAF Wroughton .
19 We , we 'll almost certainly finish about quarter to four .
20 Cos you you 'll almost certainly need to ring them back .
21 Of all these expanding emotions , the one which we call compassion , may have been the first to emerge and could be the one of greatest importance , but the origins of all of them could almost certainly be found far back in evolutionary time .
22 A little understanding of her plight — allied to some gentle but firm pressure — could almost certainly have persuaded Fergie to make a much greater effort to get back with Andrew .
23 In worldly terms , he missed his opportunity , for he could almost certainly have obtained Henry 's acceptance of the new papal decrees on investiture and homage if he had insisted , for at that moment Henry would have had to agree to anything to get his support .
24 It could almost certainly not have been done by air power alone .
25 Juliet , who represented the Gunmint , could almost certainly outrule Trefusis and his penal staff in a show-of-force debate .
26 She knew herself well enough to know that if he challenged her account in the latter mode she 'd almost certainly lose her temper with him , and then the atmosphere between them , which had been ( with the exception of his overtures ) so easy and undemanding , would be spoiled .
27 A control freak might be interesting to play around with , he was thinking , especially in his weakened condition — get her so far along , and then she 'd almost certainly want to do all the work .
28 ‘ If we 're chatting again in ten years ' time , ’ he said , ‘ we 'd almost certainly be in this cabin , but we might need some new cushions by then . ’
29 Suppose he went in somewhere above Teddington — you 'd almost certainly find traces of fresh water in the clothes .
30 But she told the boy his offences were so serious that had he been 15 , not 14 , he 'd almost certainly have received a custodial sentence .
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