Example sentences of "[modal v] not conceive " in BNC.

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1 Where she must take comfort , he insisted , was in the doctor 's assurance that there was no reason why she should not conceive again .
2 Now , Nell could not conceive of love between a man and a woman , could not bear the thought of ageing .
3 He could not conceive that anything really serious could be worrying his friend .
4 Having received identical treatment from rows of Benedict 's men on duty , I could not conceive why Old Red should be the object of so much wrath from my fellow nurses .
5 If there were , for instance , a conceptual link between mental state and behaviour such that we could not conceive of the behaviour being present without the ( or some ) mental state , the argument from analogy would be unnecessary .
6 " He was convinced " , wrote Tupper , " that the German man-in-the-street was participating in this senseless and savage struggle because the Prussian system forced him to ; the ordinary subject of the Kaiser might be misled into believing his cause just — but he could not conceive it possible that the German sailormen who had been part of our Merchant Service could have anything but hatred for this catastrophe " .
7 We could not conceive of such things happening to us .
8 No matter how paranoid he felt from time to time about the DIA , Coleman could not conceive that Control would have told him to get hold of a legitimate Thomas Leavy passport for Operation Shakespeare knowing in advance that it would blow the mission and lead to his arrest .
9 Hotspur could not conceive of such doings in the dark ; but neither could he connect his prisoner with them .
10 They need not conceive of their practical programme as one of systematic cultural intervention : they were simply making transitional preparations for a reincarnation of the spirit of Poetry :
11 It takes some years for the populace to realize that couples need not conceive so many children merely to ensure the survival of two or three .
12 Within the Christian context women must necessarily refer to , and exercise a dependence upon , the world of men , of a kind which men would not conceive of having in relation to the world of women .
13 So long as we have language , he argued , we simply can not conceive it .
14 As Locke says , ‘ in some of our ideas there are certain relations , habitudes and connections , so visibly included in the nature of the ideas themselves , that we can not conceive them separable from them , by any power whatsoever ’ .
15 I do n't know about you , but I can not conceive of a home without a fire .
16 How unusual that word appeared from his lips , of course you , who did not know him , can not conceive . ’
17 They can not conceive the rest of the country is not in the same shape . ’
18 ‘ Candidate ( thinking he has at last come upon a Village Hampden ) : ‘ I can not conceive that the Election can in any way affect your rights here . ’
19 Because , he claims , ‘ one can not conceive of an observation which would enable one to determine whether the Absolute did , or did not , enter into evolution and progress ’ , then whoever makes a theological statement like the one above ‘ has made an utterance which has no literal significance even for himself ’ .
20 There is only one Arsenal today , and I can not conceive another simply because no other club have players fitted to carry on the same ideas . ’
21 Very great odium T. Poole incurred by bringing me here … when Wordsworth came & he likewise by T. Poole 's agency settled here — You can not conceive the tumult , calumnies , & apparatus of threatened persecutions which this event has occasioned round about us .
22 I know it is difficult to discuss a scientific topic nowadays without dragging in recombinant DNA somehow , but I can not conceive of even the most tenuous connection between genetic engineering and the quantum theory .
23 I 'm not saying that I wo n't win World and Olympic titles , just that , at this time , I can not conceive of myself achieving that time .
24 In vitro fertilization can restore fertility to women who ovulate but can not conceive because their Fallopian tubes are blocked .
25 Such is the general expectation that married couples will have children that those who do not want them , or want to put parenthood on a few more years , or sadly learn that they can not conceive , find themselves having to respond to veiled or not so veiled queries .
26 I can not conceive anything more exciting , more challenging , or more deeply satisfying .
27 She infers that using such forms means ‘ absence of cognitive flexibility ’ and quotes the studies by Bereiter and others ( Osborn , 1967 ) of lower-class children who , it is argued , ‘ can not conceive of a single object having two attributes ’ ( ibid . ) .
28 What it has still largely ignored are the psychological repercussions , both of the realisation that a couple can not conceive — the guilt , the anger , the envy of others — and of the effects of keeping hope alive by a long series of treatments .
29 A year later the student can not conceive why he had such difficulty and suspicion about the nature of vectors .
30 We might admit , then , so far as that goes , that you can conceive of its hurting you in someone else 's knee ( a new sense of ‘ His knee is hurting me ’ ) but you can not conceive of its hurting anyone else there .
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