Example sentences of "[modal v] i suggest " in BNC.

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1 May I suggest that Alan Titchmarsh does one or all of the following in order to fill his pool in summer ( And anyway …
2 Rather than reinventing the ‘ virtual classroom ’ , may I suggest the staff at Teesside Poly could have contacted CECOMM and availed themselves of our tutor-moderated training programme , and in the process saved themselves considerable time and angst .
3 This is the key to Dorothy Heathcote 's attitude to drama ; may I suggest it is also a key to the re-thinking that will have to be done vis-à-vis the arts and the curriculum .
4 ‘ And may I suggest that this is precisely the kind of overheated sensational attitude I would most strongly deplore .
5 We want more ; may I suggest the String Quartets … ?
6 ‘ Well , I 'd be pleased to provide any references you need , but may I suggest that you consider a little more before acting precipitately .
7 May I suggest that this is only true if natural conditions are emulated , and to do this requires a thorough understanding of the Cardinals ' natural habitat — which is not a blackwater area .
8 May I suggest that as an organisation creating and distributing warehousefuls of what turns into waste paper on a weekly basis you should keep your mouths shut .
9 May I suggest , sir , that where items on sensitive matters are included in your publication , an even and well-argued case is made ?
10 It is , may I suggest , much easier to say goodbye to a face than to a wooden box .
11 For those who want religion , may I suggest church .
12 May I suggest the other way around ? ’
13 May I suggest if the thing is worn out it will help us to jump the last hurdle .
14 In his speech he said , ‘ May I suggest to you and your Council that you have the debate I suggested about the economic and environmental factors and then set out to provide leadership for the industry in reconciling these items . ’
15 Sir , may I suggest , in reply to W Roger Jones query on TRE POL PEN , that he studies a detailed map of the Duchy of Cornwall .
16 Now , as to pears , may I suggest the Doyenne of Comice , generally sold as Comice , or , better still , the Williams .
17 May I suggest to your readers a tip to aid both fishkeeper and gardener alike .
18 May I suggest you think about that .
19 Given Minerva 's comments I hope this is the last we will see of this particular advertisement , but in future may I suggest advertisements are refereed and that manufacturers should be permitted to quote only published material and not their own files as references ?
20 May I suggest that the government abolish forthwith the Foundation for Sport and the Arts , and replace it at once by a Foundation for Gardeners , Handymen , Babysitters and the Arts .
21 May I suggest that we try and secure bookings for you and for myself to travel on or about August 15th ?
22 May I suggest that your readers lobby their MPs on this subject ?
23 May I suggest one of the following .
24 ‘ Since we 're obviously about to enter a discussion on ethics , may I suggest it might be more comfortable to do so in my apartment over a cup of coffee and a glass of aquavit ? ’
25 As I am aware that to remove it from its present location would leave an unwelcome gap in your own display , may I suggest that , if you are willing to lend it , we supply you with a full-size mounted or framed photograph of the original to take its place for the duration of our exhibition ?
26 ‘ Then may I suggest you sell your unstoppable watch back to the North Koreans , m'sieu ! ’
27 May I suggest that he apologises in a broadcast from No. 10 Downing street , which I understand he occupies temporarily , and that he should give some thought —
28 May I suggest that he directs that advice to those who think that the right way forward is a £500 roadside snack at the Savoy to raise party funds ?
29 May I suggest that , for sheer consistency in the way in which the Opposition present their numbers , they should perhaps choose the Grand Old Duke of York as their theme .
30 As the Minister who represents the area containing Wandsworth prison , may I suggest to the Minister that if the exchanges of the past few minutes were conveyed to BBC television 's ’ Yes Minister ’ they might indeed help to revive the Government 's fortunes ?
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