Example sentences of "[be] jail for " in BNC.

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1 As courts began dealing with charges of theft and public order offences , a qualified referee was told he may be jailed for his part in the looting of a Blackpool jewellers .
2 ADECISION on whether a trainee journalist should be jailed for contempt of court was yesterday adjourned until next month pending a hearing in the House of Lords .
3 Do you remind them of Angela Williams , the first person to be prosecuted for smoking on the tube or of Paul Deiring , the first person to be jailed for smoking on the tube ( he could n't pay his £25 fine ) or do you make like Eric Butler , the Bernard Goetz of the Victoria Line , who , in 1987 , mocked and taunted by drunken youths , retaliated with a sword-stick and was punished in the courts for his efforts .
4 In the late afternoon the Committee pulled its favourite form of persuasion : it went into secret session , with a direction that if he did n't sing in secret he could expect to be jailed for contempt of Congress ( i.e. the committee ) .
5 They could be jailed for two years and fined £400 for ‘ engaging in activities requiring a licence when not a licensee ’ , and thirteen other offences which included inserting false or misleading advertisements , canvassing debtor-creditor agreements off trade premises , sending circulars to minors , and supplying unsolicited credit tokens .
6 Our home had been turned upside down , our little boy , who we now loved so much , was diagnosed as retarded and Andreas was told he would be jailed for up to seven years in Cyprus .
7 A major theme of the paper was that punishment should fit the crime not the criminal , that vandals , thieves , and burglars should not be jailed for persistent offending .
8 But when magistrates told her she 'd be jailed for three months , she collapsed in the dock .
9 If he issues the injunction and Mr Farquharson ignores it , he could be jailed for up to two years for contempt .
10 He gave him no time to pay and ordered he be jailed for up to the alternative of 14 days .
11 If he breaks yesterday 's court order , he could be jailed for up to two years for contempt of court .
12 A man who 's already been to jail for killing a policeman is going back to prison tonight after a judge increased his sentence .
13 He could also expect record damages after being jailed for almost 10 months .
14 Alan , from Hatfield , Herts , watched Fallon , 35 , being jailed for attempted murder at the Old Bailey .
15 Fatal Attraction killer Susan Chistie has seldom been far from the headlines since being jailed for the cut-throat killing of her lover 's wife .
16 He was known for being jailed for his homosexuality , but the show looks at his family life .
17 The prosection claims they tampered with a statement in a fraud case five years ago which led to a man being jailed for six years .
18 His testimony at Aylesbury Crown Court led to Alban Turner , 26 , being jailed for life for stabbing Michael Galvin to death .
19 Michael Maddison is led away in handcuffs from the High Court yesterday after being jailed for life for bludgeoning two youths to death with a baseball bat
20 Walter Sisulu himself , who as secretary-general of the ANC was more senior even than Nelson Mandela when the two were jailed for life in 1964 , served seven jail terms between 1953 and 1963 .
21 Ryan Monks and Paul Mill , both 21 , were jailed for life at Perth High Court yesterday for hacking gunshop manager Mr Gordon Johnston , aged 54 , to death during a raid at his shop in Dundee .
22 Three organisers of an Acid House party who were jailed for three months for breaching an injunction banning an event in Warwickshire were freed in the High Court in London yesterday after apologising .
23 The evidence that they can go tragically wrong came in Liverpool crown court this week when two teenagers were jailed for manslaughter .
24 David Waddington , the home secretary , announced that he has asked the chief constable of the West Midlands to investigate the conviction of the Birmingham six , who were jailed for an IRA bombing 16 years ago .
25 Stephen Miller , 26 , Tony Paris , 35 , and Yusef Abdullahi , corr 30 , were jailed for life at Swansea Crown Court in 1990 after Lynette , 20 , was killed in Cardiff .
26 THREE men who kidnapped Post Office security guards then threatened their families were jailed for a total 40 years yesterday .
27 In August 1990 three luminaries in the City of London , Gerald Ronson , Ernest Saunders and Anthony Parnes , were jailed for insider trading in a takeover bid by Guinness .
28 AN ‘ evil and wicked ’ gang of three armed robbers who terrorised two families were jailed for 65 years yesterday .
29 AN evil gang who kidnapped two families to force the managers of a bank and supermarket to hand over £96,000 were jailed for a total of 65 years yesterday .
30 FIVE skinheads who kicked a black immigrant to death were jailed for between two and four years yesterday .
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