Example sentences of "[conj] sit [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It would be tedious to quote more than a few examples of the evidence from parliamentary commissions , the STC , union reports and surveys etc. , but the following quotations are typical : " About the only work which the women can do is to stand or sit at their formes and set up type ; and to distribute the types back again into the cases , but of course this is only a portion of a compositor 's work " ( an employer ) ; " " As far as mere type-lifting is concerned , she may do , but there is other rough work in connection with compositors " work which I do not think a woman is qualified for " ( a union leader ) ; " Women … get the best , i. e. the simplest jobs … they are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work " ( an employer ) .
2 She should be introduced with an air of pride and affection to your friends and neighbours if she does not know them already , accompanied to all the places locally which will be of special interest to her in the future : the public library , the shopping centre , the best places to go for morning coffee , and any small parks where she might like to walk or sit in the fine weather .
3 ( iii ) Persons shall not be permitted to stand or sit in any of the gangways intersecting the seating or to sit in any of the other gangways .
4 And let that sit in the shoe box and then tape the shoe box .
5 RATHER THAN SIT THROUGH ten minutes of The Pocket Dream , any sensible person , unlikely as it may sound , would prefer three hours of wife-beating , child abuse , paranoia , and the rape of a mentally-retarded woman in The Crackwalker , the first drama by the Canadian playwright Judith Thompson to be seen here .
6 ‘ It 's a chance to play rather than sit on the replacements bench and I 'm always glad of that , ’ said Davies .
7 But a time arrives when you would rather do almost anything rather than sit in a stuffy fringe theatre on a Saturday night with a dozen heads all nodding aggrievedly in agreement on how South Africa is now really rather a nasty place .
8 Sometimes Dana would come and sit with me on the hard little chairs .
9 I thought , if I could go for a hybrid of these two , and get comedians to come in and sit with deadpan expressions , I might have something interesting on my hands .
10 You 'll have to go and sit with Mrs Black 's class , ’ and she pointed to the little ones seated on the floor .
11 Sometimes I 'd get up and go down and sit with her , look up at the Moon shining through the glass and think , at least I 'm out of that .
12 We managed to persuade them to come and sit with us and she ended up next to me .
13 And in the afternoons , when she lets me , I go and sit with her .
14 She thought now , she might be better to go and sit with Nan-Nan who had been Mama 's nurse but who in spite of that was not so very old .
15 Now several mornings a week when perhaps she should have been concerning herself with the house ( she delegated more and more to the housekeeper , who after all had run everything before she , Lily , had come ) , she would go and sit with Sadie , who was expecting another child at Christmas .
16 But now , I must go back and sit with her . ’
17 In half an hour Rachaela would be able to go and sit with her .
18 ‘ Then there 's no reason why you should n't come and sit with me for a few minutes .
19 He wondered whether he should ask Crumwallis to go and sit with the boarders in the dormitory , while he had a word with this young Freely .
20 And er and and Peter because of his fear of the Jews says , okay I , I wo n't do that any more , I 'll go and , I 'll just go and sit with the Jews .
21 At one time he , he lived at , they lived at but er er she was a widow and she was ninety but she was very good to us and , but we had er , we had apartments but there was a lock on both sides of the door , you know what I mean , we were quite self-contained and we had er er a narrow stairs and because of the war I could n't , you could n't er , I used to scrub the stairs down because you could n't buy carpet in those days , you see because of the war and to the shortage of stuff and so I used to keep those stairs nice and , we had a , a , we went , as we went up these stairs erm it , I suppose originally , you see , it would have been back stairs for the servants , you see , in the hall and this old lady used to go in and if ever she had the doctor she used to ask me if I would go and sit with her and hold her hand while the doctor came , you see .
22 I half hope he 's awake , so that I can go in and sit with him , and stroke his head .
23 Well Michael 's got ta go and sit with his team over there .
24 I 'd hate to be the person who has to sit and sit through all of that .
25 He described one , a boy who was glad to come in and sit for him , and bring his spade .
26 But will you come and sit for another portrait soon ? ’
27 Let's go and sit on some bench . ’
28 The secret for any cat-phobic individuals who want to keep their distance is to lean towards a cat , stare fixedly at it with wide-open eyes and make agitated hand movements , asking the cat in strident tones to come and sit on their laps .
29 ‘ No , I wo n't go and sit on a mountain .
30 And then the er the older ones when they were if if they were sitting on the walls outside , the erm deck level flats , again they were either disturbing the people there or , the people were out shouting at them to get away and sit on their own walls and things like that .
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