Example sentences of "[conj] mrs thatcher " in BNC.

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1 But there was little he or Mrs Thatcher in earlier exchanges , could do to mitigate what Mr Paddy Ashdown , the Liberal Democrats ' leader , called ‘ a shameful example ’ of human rights policy and what the shadow Foreign Secretary , Mr Gerald Kaufman , said was ‘ a policy of the three o'clock knock by police ’ .
2 That I do n't think will please John Major or Mrs Thatcher for being , er seeing you fuelling and other directors and all the directors of our public companies fuelling inflation with their inflationary wage rises does n't seem reasonable whatsoever and I think that er one should consider this in a different light .
3 Although Mrs Thatcher 's opposition will prevent the declaration having any legal force , the Commission President , Mr Jacques Delors , made it clear he would be coming forward with detailed proposals on a range of minimum social rights for workers in the 1992 single market over the next 12 months — some of which would have binding legal force throughout the Community .
4 Although Mrs Thatcher insists that accountability should exclusively be through national governments to national parliaments , this is not favoured by others .
5 And although Mrs Thatcher has none of these defects , she is known to be not averse to the occasional run on sterling .
6 Although Mrs Thatcher had emerged the comfortable victor after the ‘ stalking horse ’ leadership challenge by Sir Anthony Meyer in 1989 , speculation about her future persisted .
7 Mogg had hailed her victory : ‘ Although Mrs Thatcher 's majority was not quite large enough to avoid a second ballot , the victory was clearly a decisive one . ’
8 Neil Kinnock scored most for being down-to-earth ( 41 per cent ) and was also considered more trustworthy than Mrs Thatcher — scoring 26 per cent to the Prime Minister 's 21 per cent .
9 In effect , however , he was letting it be known that Mr Heseltine would not be the only interventionist candidate for the leadership -nor the only one to feel more enthusiasm about Europe than Mrs Thatcher .
10 In 1979 Labour decisively lost the election , although Mr Callaghan was more popular than Mrs Thatcher ( and his party ) .
11 It remains to be seen whether either can bounce back , and whether Saatchi and Saatchi will soon be fighting off a rather more vigorous takeover bid than Mrs Thatcher faced this week .
12 Though some ministers are plainly more embarrassed than Mrs Thatcher appeared to be , the Government believes that the opposition has produced no serious alternatives to its blunt deterrent policy .
13 The organisation 's uncertainty is shown by its decision not to have any particular point of view on the future of the European Community : a decision that makes more jaws than Mrs Thatcher 's drop .
14 But Kinnock is a fighter ; he is no more likely to go willingly than Mrs Thatcher was .
15 John Major has convinced the Scots that he cares far more about them than Mrs Thatcher did , but the real test in Scotland may be about to start , writes Toby Helm
16 He voted for Mr Heseltine rather than Mrs Thatcher in the 1990 leadership contest .
17 Heseltine 's campaign team courted the media more assiduously and performed more effectively in that arena than Mrs Thatcher 's .
18 Still , a better solution than Mrs Thatcher 's legacy , where a mock Georgian red brick house on a speculative builder 's estate , with bottle glass windows and a mock doric columned portico is considered desirable .
19 Nicholas Ridley was a political firebrand even keener than Mrs Thatcher to dismantle what he called the nanny state and roll back the effects of years of nationalisation .
20 And I know that whatever the rhetoric , Mrs Thatcher used all the rhetoric , nobody took us further into Europe than Mrs Thatcher .
21 His problem will be that Mrs Thatcher might decide to do it first , and then she will garner the votes .
22 People know the evidence of their pockets and are unlikely to be easily persauded that Mrs Thatcher 's Britain has been , or has yet become , the economic disaster area which Mr Kinnock depicted .
23 No amount of holding hands , kissing in public , or mingling of blood is going to persuade speculators that Mrs Thatcher and Mr Lawson are at one when they are not .
24 The lights are always there so that Mrs Thatcher , at whatever hour , may choose to be seen on TV sweeping through saying nothing , thus demonstrating that she is Prime Minister and going busily about the nation 's business .
25 The firm message from Whitehall last night was that Mrs Thatcher was not going to the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Kuala Lumpur next week to propose a reduction in sanctions , although she would not agree to an increase in the measures already in place .
26 There is no reason to suppose that Mrs Thatcher took any pleasure from the Daily Mail 's attempt to destroy her Chancellor earlier this week .
27 We asked our panel whether they had , ‘ in the last few days , noticed anything in particular that Mrs Thatcher has said or done ’ ; and similar questions about Kinnock , Steel , Owen , and ‘ other ’ ( unspecified ) Conservative , Labour , and Alliance leaders .
28 The decisive factor , though , was that Mrs Thatcher , for all her election triumph , was far from being mistress in her own house yet .
29 From the time of the Falklands War , it was certain that the Tories would win the next general election , and that Mrs Thatcher would gain new stature as Prime Minister .
30 It was a battle that Mrs Thatcher , recalling Heath 's humiliating climb-down in 1972 ( and her own in 1981 ) , was determined not to lose .
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