Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] to stare " in BNC.

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1 Or remain to stare down the reflection of his own fear ?
2 He often stopped reading or writing to stare into the distance , dreaming perhaps of some ambitious plan .
3 They had n't been hurt , not so much as a graze on them , yet when the all-clear sounded , they came out of their buildings and stood on their street with blank eyes that seemed to stare inwards .
4 So readers are helped to appreciate the beauty of Haiti 's traditions and to understand its problems , rather than invited to stare in horrified fascination at ‘ exotic ’ or ‘ primitive ’ rites .
5 He suddenly became aware of Kegan beside him , sharply tugging at the edge of his jacket , and turned to stare at him , blotches of anger flaming in his cheeks .
6 He attempted to stand inconspicuously in a corner but it was useless , for most of the villagers nudged one another and turned to stare in his direction .
7 She fiddled with the strap of her small black leather shoulder-bag , and turned to stare out of the glass doors at the hot afternoon scene beyond .
8 Eleanor lowered her hands and turned to stare at Melissa , an expression of bewilderment on her blotched and swollen face .
9 ‘ For Pete 's sake ! ’ he muttered moodily , and shoved his hands in his pockets and went to stare into the empty fireplace .
10 He threw the letter aside , and went to stare at his Supper at Emmaus .
11 He returned the tray to the orderly and went to stare out through the transparent sheeting .
12 Corbett rubbed the strap between his fingers and went to stare out of the window , half-listening to the sounds of the night outside .
13 ‘ If you would but use her , ’ said David , and turned his back and went to stare from the window at the frosty strand and the shifting , misty sea .
14 When she reached her stop Maggie got off and paused to stare out over Glasgow Green , spotting the People s Palace in the distance .
15 He cleared his throat and continued to stare out of the window for a couple of moments longer .
16 Fiver said nothing and continued to stare over the field .
17 He shook his head and continued to stare at the old man , but there was pleading in his voice now .
18 Because he knew he could n't speak of what was in his mind , he pretended he had n't heard her and continued to stare out of the window .
19 He raised his right hand to silence her and continued to stare at the tabletop before him , head cocked to one side .
20 He turned round and continued to stare at me .
21 But something did delay her ; she stopped and stood to stare at a marvel of nature , so strange as to suspend belief .
22 When he had finished , she said nothing for more than a minute , but continued to stare at him , as if still seeking the assurance she had hoped his account would supply .
23 She sensed the long look he directed at her , but continued to stare blindly ahead .
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