Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] dare " in BNC.

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1 B-but I dare say you would n't like it .
2 Recommended for one-off use in conditions where you dare not risk an expensive camera .
3 I still did n't realise what the trouble might be , although I dare say the germ of cancer may have nestled for the first time in my mind .
4 Oh " my Lord , I toil too much I go out at break of day , driving oxen to the field , and I yoke them to the plough , there is no winter so sharp that I dare keep at home , for fear of my Master , but having yoked my oxen and fastened my share and coulter I am bound to plough every day a full acre .
5 ‘ And Ianthe and Mr Stonebird ’ — ‘ Rupert ’ did not quite come out-'live so near that I dare say they can escort each other , ’ said Sophia .
6 By this time , the pub is so stuffed with people that I dare n't take a deep breath .
7 Her daughter drives out from Bamford once a week but around this time of year she goes to stay with some other relative , I 'm not sure where , so I dare say she is n't there at the moment and you have n't got any immediate neighbours resident .
8 She had been undaunted even when Henry said he 'd wager that she dare not stay alone in the Lodge while he and Lettice explored the woods outside .
9 ( 29 ) She was silent ; for to rouse her tyrant was more than she dare do .
10 Do you have a favourite guitar at home that you dare n't take out live in case it does n't stay the course ?
11 And all that we dare n't say anything about ; I did n't even know until long afterwards . ’
12 ‘ We summoned the sorcerers , and we sat long nights in Council , for we knew that we dare not wait until it was time for the Ritual of the Beastline to take place ; we had to know long before that if the birth of twins into the Royal House had truly damaged the Enchantment .
13 It leaves one open to an accusation that we dare not make in this Chamber ; otherwise , the hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth would hear me say it .
14 There is a parallel between East and West a slippery slope that we dare not set foot on .
15 There 's something new in the warren said the rabbit to the doe , it 's got no fur , no eyes and no claws , yet digs deeper than we dare go .
16 ( 54 ) … and then your looks and movements will offer more vivacity and variety than they dare offer now .
17 There are people whose early experience of bodily closeness , intimacy and care has been so uncomfortable or so traumatic that they dare not risk a repetition of such pain .
18 Douglas held that they dare not risk this , Ramsay agreeing , and they persuaded his uncle to so rule .
19 The principal concern of Edward 's ministers , as always , was to raise money for the war , and they hoped by making concessions to receive the grants the king needed ; but the concession of pardon for all debts of £10 or less was insufficient , and the commons insisted that they dare not grant a tax without consulting their communities .
20 One of the WEA 's abiding characteristics is that it dare not become complacent , can never afford to stand still .
21 ‘ New Age Travellers ’ have squatted on his land and things are so bad that he dare not leave the farm for a day .
22 I find it difficult to believe that a male Oscar would let a female spawn on her own — unless she was so much larger than him that he dare not go near .
23 And Charles 's tactics were damaging to his own subjects : the peasant who declared that he dare not get out of bed in the morning for fear of the English spoke for many of his compatriots , and the unchallenged presence of English armies on French soil not only caused substantial physical hardship to the population but also lowered Charles 's prestige .
24 You were right to break with him if you decided that you had made a mistake in accepting him , but oh , my dear , your uncle Orrin tells me that he dare not inform your father of the dreadful things Havvie is hinting about you for fear of what he might do to Havvie .
25 His instincts told him that a child was more likely to keep something dark than an adult — a child has no tiresome misgivings about deceiving even his loved ones — but he was not sure that he dare trust his instincts .
26 Is not the real reason why the Secretary of State makes those absurd and fictitious claims about the effect of the social charter , which bears no resemblance to the reality of the proposals , that he dare not admit that the Government are opposed , not just in detail but in principle , to the idea of binding employment standards across the Community ?
27 As to honest Partridge , he meant no wrong , for he is so bold a mountaineer , he can go anywhere that a sheep can ; and I dare say thinks every person can do the same . ’
28 And I dare say it was too , ’ said Mrs Parvis .
29 And I dare say it 's a great advantage to Lord Darlington to have someone to keep an expert eye on the activities of the gardener . ’
30 I was n't memorably arresting or amusing , and I dare say I fell back on the weather like everyone else , but it worked .
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