Example sentences of "[adv] owing to " in BNC.

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1 When the coup in Yugoslavia in spring 1941 interfered with Hitler 's plans for an attack on the Soviet Union ( Britain 's last potential Continental ally ) and a deterioration in mood set in owing to the threatening extension of the war to the Balkans , SD soundings of opinion again registered ‘ with what childlike trust the most ordinary people in particular look up to the Führer and our leadership of state ’ , convinced that ‘ the Führer has taken it into account and will deal properly with it ’ . ’
2 One can ask : does he mean that the horizontal moon , perhaps owing to some magnifying effect of the earth 's atmosphere , actually presents a larger appearance than the meridian moon , or does he mean merely that it looks bigger , perhaps because it is seen in a context of trees and houses ?
3 Alexander Macdonald had clearly abandoned much of that hospitable tradition , perhaps owing to his embrace of southern education , or perhaps as a reaction to the affection in which his late brother had been held .
4 A Whig tract of 1711 argued that " The Revolution was almost entirely owing to them [ Tories ] " , whilst the Nonconformist Daniel Defoe repeatedly replied to the charge made by High Churchmen in Anne 's reign that the Dissenters had been responsible for the murder of Charles , by reminding them what they " did to his Son " : " if they will go back to 48 , and provoke us to Recriminate , by telling us of Killing the Father ; let us bring them back to 88 , and tell them of Deposing the Son , and sending him Abroad to beg his Bread " .
5 In the UK , emissions of man-made hydrocarbons or VOCs ( volatile organic compounds ) increased 12 per cent in the ten years to 1985 , largely owing to increased road traffic .
6 She believes that the sudden growth in women 's writing and the interest in issues relating to women was largely owing to the rise of the companionate marriage .
7 Indeed , largely owing to Eadmer , it is the only aspect of Anselm 's work as archbishop for which the materials allow a consecutive story to be told .
8 In mass production , duties and responsibilities are clearly set out , largely owing to the nature of the technology , and this favours a formal , authoritarian structure .
9 Communist influence in the ILP began to increase rapidly , largely owing to the work of the Revolutionary Policy Committee which began as an independent minority working within the ILP but eventually merged into the Communist Party .
10 This was kept locked from tenants who could n't have used it anyway owing to the condition of the two inside walls , which were crumbling alarmingly .
11 This is not owing to purely commercial considerations .
12 When , a year later , with paintings such as Man with Violin , Braque 's Cubism reached a second climax of complexity and became also highly difficult to read or interpret , one senses that it was not owing to the excitement of working with a new , more abstract technique as it had been with Picasso , but because his interest in elaborately breaking up the picture surface so as to analyse the relationships between the objects and the space surrounding them , slowly and inevitably led him to this kind of painting .
13 Those fees were not owing to him .
14 The mutation Thr37 to Ala results in large reductions in affinity and repression efficiency , presumably owing to loss of cooperativity resulting from destabilization of the protein-protein contact between repressors .
15 And it was presumably owing to their encouragement that in the 1540s Crecquillon began to compose chansons and Clemens and Gombert increased their production from a trickle to a flood .
16 The wait until September before she starts another novel is mostly owing to her publicity commitments .
17 There 's nothing wrong with that ’ — STEVE TSHWETE ( ANC executive ) on suggestions that the New Zealand tour to South Africa should be called off owing to the Boipatong massacre .
18 He knows I have extra time off owing to me because my last holiday period was cut short when one of the staff became ill .
19 However , negotiations were broken off owing to the vehement opposition of anti-abortion Republicans , supported by Sununu .
20 He wrote her a brief note merely saying he had had to go home owing to illness and had found , on his return , that he was to report forthwith to the War Office .
21 Can my right hon. Friend arrange a debate on local government finance in London , so that we may discuss the growing evidence that Labour councils , far from struggling to provide services , can not even be bothered to collect millions of pounds of rates and of community charge still owing to them ?
22 In the standard account of expansionary monetary policy illustrated in Figure 7.6 , the economy is seen to move from point A to point B very quickly owing to the immediate impact that the increase in the supply of money has upon the rate of interest .
23 Many local authorities prefer litigation , possibly owing to the choice and influence of their own legal departments .
24 industrial and human relations were better at both extremes of the scale than in large-batch and mass production companies , possibly owing to heavier pressure on all individuals in this type of organisation ; and
25 The trouble is that there are just not enough places available at the moment , and in recent years local authorities have been unable to provide more owing to the shortage of funds and the cash limits imposed on local authority expenditure by central government .
26 Sudan had suffered increased isolation internationally owing to its pro-Iraq stance over the Gulf crisis .
27 Gradually these courts decayed , partly owing to the jealousy of the Common Law Courts , which interfered with them and extended their own jurisdiction .
28 Doubtless this is partly owing to echoes of the ending of Love 's Labours Lost , and also of Ambrose Philips 's ‘ Winter Piece ’ .
29 As the demand for cotton goods rose ( partly owing to economic growth caused by advances in agricultural techniques and extended foreign trade ) cotton production shifted from the putting-out system to mills being set up in the rapidly urbanising towns .
30 This it says , is partly owing to the ‘ lack of consistent pan-London planning ’ .
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