Example sentences of "[pron] effect upon " in BNC.

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1 Overbeck 's critique connected directly with the recent rediscovery of the eschatological emphasis of the New Testament in the work of Weiss and Schweitzer ; and these were powerfully reinforced in their effect upon Barth by the preaching of J. C. Blumhardt ( 1827 — 91 ) , which had centred on the call to live in the light of the future coming of the kingdom , in which the victory won by God in the death and resurrection of Jesus would at last become apparent .
2 A bare narrative of the details of what this man lived through , of their effect upon him , would alone deserve classic status .
3 It represents a revival of interest in the factors of the family budget and their effect upon life chances such as cohabitation , marriage , childbearing , and divorce ( see Becker 1981 , Willis 1973 ) .
4 By contrast the International Chamber of Commerce , which is an international non-governmental organization with national Chambers of Commerce as its members , promotes non-law instruments which depend for their effect upon contractual incorporation .
5 These parameters are examined from the perspective of their effect upon the morbidity and mortality first of offspring and then of mothers .
6 These differences influenced success or failure just as they did in earlier state-making attempts , especially through their effect upon economic growth , which not only provides resources for extending the state apparatus and developing national education , but is also a major factor in conferring legitimacy upon the regime .
7 In this supplement to Mr Bramwell 's useful book on the taxation of companies the statement of the law is updated to 1st October 1974 and this has enabled the author to notice the relevant provisions of the Finance Act 1974 and their effect upon the subject-matter of the book .
8 The professionals who rate at their true value the impact and influence of the media productions they create will take particular care to make them of such high moral quality that their effect upon the formation of culture will invariably be a positive one .
9 And suddenly Morse knew where the body had been launched into the river and into eternity ; knew , too , that if Lucy Downes could so quickly arouse the rather sluggish libido of a Lewis , then it was hardly difficult to guess her effect upon the lively carnality of a Kemp .
10 Clearly , there will be a wide overlap between the role of the environment in contributing to this external cause of a rhythm , its effect upon an organism 's behaviour , and its ability to adjust the body clock .
11 Now you need to bring a friend or friends in to help you with your writing because it is time now to test out its effect upon other people .
12 As to ‘ its effect upon national character ’ , Pearson thought that ‘ whether we are changing in the direction of a higher or lower morality is … the point that is most really at issue ’ .
13 We have defined inductance by eqn ( 4.33 ) without discussing its effect upon the current-voltage relationship .
14 The closest to any general formulation emerges in the idea that the applicability of natural justice will be dependent on the nature of the power exercised and its effect upon the individual concerned .
15 Results of one investigation suggested that first order births to very young women are disadvantaged by the women 's physiological immaturity and its effect upon the fetus .
16 We could say ( as I have said myself ) that we are just one more new species , albeit more destructive than most , having its effect upon its contemporaries .
17 We shall examine first the effect of the 1977 Act upon exemption clauses which claim to exempt from liability under the statutory implied terms as to title , description , quality and sample and then its effect upon other exemption clauses .
18 Even more important , perhaps , in its effect upon class action is the attachment which individuals have always had to some tribal , ethnic , linguistic or national community , with which they identify their own interests , by contrast and often in conflict with other such communities .
19 Her helpless response had its effect upon him .
20 However , it is not the description of disability that matters , but rather its effect upon a person 's major life activities .
21 It is rather a display of witty dexterity , depending for its effect upon a sharing of specialized learning between author/narrator and readers/listeners .
22 It is inevitable that much will be omitted in this study but the bibliography lists several larger and more detailed works on specific aspects of Charles and his effect upon European history and culture .
23 Thus , it was argued , whatever effect upon the market the authorities might have , it would be confined to a very narrow spectrum of assets and interest rates .
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